- Successfully settled, on behalf of the Northwest Environmental Defense Center (NEDC), a Clean Water Act suit against a Portland-based steel manufacturer for violating its industrial stormwater permit, securing pollution-reductions and funds for a project to benefit the Columbia Slough.
- Went back to court (again), on behalf of Cascade Forest Conservancy, to challenge the government’s flawed decision to allow mineral prospecting just outside of Mt. St. Helens National Monument.
- Briefed summary judgment in our lawsuit to stop the Forest Service from logging some of the few remaining large trees in California’s Inyo National Forest.
- Worked with our client National Parks Conservation Association to submit extensive comments on the Navy’s proposal to increase its fighter jet training exercises over Olympic National Park, one of the quietest places in the Lower 48.
- On behalf of the NEDC, intervened as a defendant in a lawsuit brought by Oregon municipalities that seeks to overturn DEQ’s progressive new “Phase II” municipal stormwater discharge permit.
- Teamed up with Lewis & Clark’s Animal Law Litigation Clinic to challenge the USDA’s decision to remove the limit on how quickly slaughterhouses can kill pigs; without limits, these facilities will likely boost production, magnifying the disastrous environmental effects of CAFOs.
As we approach the new year, we look forward to brighter days ahead: hope for a new administration that prioritizes the environment; hope that the Americans who mobilized this year will continue to use their voices; and hope that together we can make meaningful change. But we have much work ahead. We must undo the bad environmental decisions made by the Trump administration and continue to watchdog private polluters and developers who go unchecked by state and federal agencies.
Your support will allow us to continue to achieve great results for the environment, and provide excellent learning opportunities for students, so that they too can join the fight when they graduate. Please include a tax-deductible donation to Earthrise in your year-end giving. Visit earthriselaw.org to donate today.
With warm wishes for the holidays and with all of our optimism for the new year,
Allison LaPlante Tom Buchele
Clinic Co-Director Clinic Co-Director