Downtown Tucson Partnership
Tucson Arts Brigade Mural: Sacred Heart of Tucson by Rachel Slick, Tim Schirack and Alexandra Gjurasic. Located on the side of Café 54 at 54 E Pennington St. 

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Pima County Teen Court

January 2020 marks 25 years of service by Pima County Teen Court – a program of Pima Prevention Partnership. Since 1995, Pima County Teen Court has conducted nearly 8,000 cases in minor criminal correction, operating on a peer based system of justice wherein all participants, except for the judge, are teens aged 12-17 who seek to reform through education, restorative justice, and positive peer influence. An alternative to the actual juvenile justice court system, Teen Court is a program for minors who were arrested and readily admitted to their guilt to help understand their behavior, repair the damages their crime had done, and make better life choices. Workshops available include juvenile law, family communication, substance abuse, and anger management. “It is an opportunity for youth to serve their community while working alongside peers from all parts of town,” said Kate Spaulding, Manager of Teen Court. “During this chaotic political season, Teen Court is delighted to report that 98% of jurors said that they felt listened to while serving on the jury and 98% said that when they disagreed they worked through their difference in a positive and construct way.”

Attorney Training starts in June and is free and open to all students who will be in high school next year. Volunteers learn about case theory, opening statements, objections, closing arguments and pass the Teen Court Bar Exam before being inducted into the Teen Court Bar Association (TCBA). The TCBA hold monthly meetings to guide Teen Court programming and offer additional training and fun activities to volunteers. For those who would like to get involved right away, Jury Duty is open to all teens 12 years old up through high school age.

Learn more about Pima County Teen Court at and follow them on Facebook!

Featured Story

This year’s theme is “Living in the Present Moment”
Calling all creatives, writers and aspiring poets from the Old Pueblo and beyond! The Downtown Tucson Partnership together with the University of Arizona Poetry Center are proud to announce the 2nd annual Haiku Hike literary competition. 
Twenty winning haiku poems will be printed on acrylic signage and displayed in planters located on Congress Street and Stone Avenue in Downtown Tucson. Haiku entries will be judged by Tucson’s Poet Laureate, TC Tolbert. All winners will receive public recognition and have their work featured on public signage downtown, online and in the media.
These signs will provide visual and cultural interest throughout the spring season, beginning April 3. The theme of this year’s competition is Living in the Present Moment. Poets are encouraged to submit haiku reflecting this theme.

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Downtown Tucson Partnership
100 N. Stone Ave Suite 101
Tucson, AZ  85701
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