I Submitted a Report to EthicsPoint. What Happens Next?
Sometimes EthicsPoint reports simply require policy clarification or guidance. However, some reported observations or situations must be investigated. It is helpful if an employee who makes an EthicsPoint report is as specific as possible. In order to begin an investigation, the team needs details about who is involved, what was said, or what evidence should be examined. All employees are required to cooperate fully in any investigation.
The Office of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics reviews anything that is submitted to EthicsPoint and determines the appropriate investigation unit or team. The assigned unit or team will conduct a neutral fact-finding and keep knowledge of the case as confidential as possible. To safeguard the privacy of everyone involved, there are limitations on sharing the results of an investigation: typically the results cannot be made public. However, investigators will follow up with the person who originally reported the concern to notify him or her that the investigation has been completed.