Building blocks for an ethical culture
Building blocks for an ethical culture

Compliance Matters

Updates from the Office of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics
February 2022

Image of a questionmark
I Submitted a Report to EthicsPoint. What Happens Next?
Sometimes EthicsPoint reports simply require policy clarification or guidance. However, some reported observations or situations must be investigated. It is helpful if an employee who makes an EthicsPoint report is as specific as possible. In order to begin an investigation, the team needs details about who is involved, what was said, or what evidence should be examined. All employees are required to cooperate fully in any investigation.
The Office of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics reviews anything that is submitted to EthicsPoint and determines the appropriate investigation unit or team. The assigned unit or team will conduct a neutral fact-finding and keep knowledge of the case as confidential as possible. To safeguard the privacy of everyone involved, there are limitations on sharing the results of an investigation: typically the results cannot be made public. However, investigators will follow up with the person who originally reported the concern to notify him or her that the investigation has been completed.
The College encourages you to report any concern. To make a report, call 844-572-2198 or visit Alternatively, you may contact the Office of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics directly at 240-567-7396 or
Report a concern via EthicsPoint
Coming Soon: Ethics Self-Reflection Questionnaire
Keep an eye out for the College’s soon-to-arrive Ethics Self-Reflection Questionnaire (“ESQ” for short). Stemming from the Ombuds Recommendation adopted by Dr. Pollard in December 2019, this questionnaire is an exercise in self-evaluation and awareness, geared toward better integrating the College’s ethical expectations into employee daily work and activities.
The questionnaire presents about 30 examples of workplace conduct and asks you to rate how well your behavior at work aligns with each example. The ESQ will be electronic, and can easily be completed in 10 minutes. Completing the ESQ is something you do individually: responses are private. Because the value of this exercise depends on your freedom to evaluate yourself candidly, the College won’t save or store your responses: the only thing tracked will be your completion of the questionnaire.
In fulfillment of the President’s charge, all College employees—at every level—will be expected to complete the questionnaire. Once ESQ becomes available, we encourage you to engage with the questionnaire in an authentic and honest way. Think critically about whether or how your individual conduct influences the ethical climate at MC. Stay tuned for more details on when ESQ will become available!  
What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say. Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct Required Training
Research shows that organizations with strong ethical values outperform other organizations. The College encourages and support ethical behavior among all employees. To reinforce the ethical values of the College articulated in the Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct, all employees are required to complete the Code of Ethics online class by June 30, 2022.
To access the training, log into Workday. Then, under Apps, select Learning and MC Required Training. The course is offered in both English and Spanish and takes about 60 minutes to complete.
Take the class soon and encourage others to do the same to benefit from the information throughout the year!
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Universal Design Center
To assist in meeting our legal and Montgomery College Policy 66004—Information and Communication Technology Accessibility obligations, the College has established a new Universal Design Center (UDC). The UDC premiered this fall and is led by Stacy Ford, UDC Coordinator, a dedicated steering committee, and in collaboration with ELITE and the Office of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics.
The UDC supports the College community by removing barriers in our working and learning environments, through the use of accessible information communication technology, inclusive physical environments, and through promotion of inclusion, social justice and cultural competence.
Additionally, the UDC has workgroups representing relevant constituents to guide and implement established goals and priorities.
Cartoon depicting a man working from home and recieivng several interruptions from his family. Punchline:
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