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Autism Society | Improving the lives of all affected by Autism

ON-LINE Autism Parent Group -
This Saturday, August 28, 2021, at 10:00 am

Cozy up with a morning beverage and computer on the 4th Saturday of each month at 10am for a free online group for parents of autistic children in Oregon, facilitated by Barbara Avila, MS, of Synergy Autism Center. 

Open to: Parents of autistic children of any age (birth - adulthood).

Location: If you have access to Zoom, you can access this group!

Time: Once each month from 10am - 11:30am

Date: the 4th Saturday of each month

Registration: You need to register in advance to receive the Zoom link. To register, please go to LINK

The group will look at a different topic each month including self-care, safety considerations, understanding your child's processing, social engagement and challenging your child without sending them over the edge.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Autism Society of Oregon. All of the funds we raise stay in Oregon and SW Washington with 80% spent directly on progam costs. 
<CLICK HERE> to make an on-line donation, or mail a check to ASO, 9320 SW Barbur Blvd, Suite 240, Portland, OR 97219
You can make a one-time or recurring donation!
ASO: 93-0771249
ASO: #93464

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You can donate to ASO, without cost to you, just by making your reglar purchases. Enroll in the programs from Amazon Smile or Fred Meyer Community Rewards and pick ASO (search for "The Autism Society of Oregon") as your charity.
When you make purchases, they will donate a portion to ASO, and you'll continue to accrue Rewards Points as usual.
Click on each icon for more information about these programs. 
Autism Society of Oregon
P.O. Box 69635, Portland, OR 97239
Phone: (888) AUTISM-1 | Local: (503) 636-1676

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