Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
What You Need to Know, When You Need to Know It
Hey -- We Got an ‘A’!
Is it easy to read? Check. Is it updated daily? Check. Does it provide positive COVID cases, separate out student and employee information and provide student quarantine numbers? Check, check, check.
The SBU COVID-19 Dashboard was launched on August 21. On September 1, we began tracking that information daily. And on September 10, a new website that rates college campus dashboards gave Stony Brook an ‘A’ for Achievement, based on the parameters listed above. We Rate Covid Dashboards looked at 129 schools, and we were one of only eight to ace the test. Continue to consult the SBU COVID-19 dashboard for the current number of cases, adjusted every day for new positive cases.
PIcture This: Contact Tracing
Contact tracing is an important tool for both tracking the origin of COVID and trying to stop the spread of the virus in its tracks. See our new infographic for a clear look at what’s involved, and check out this video that explains the process.
Take Your Best Shot Against the Flu
With the potential for the flu virus to spread this fall and winter, find out where and when you can get your vaccine on the ‘Flu Season’ page of our Coming Back Safe and Strong website. SBU faculty and staff: bring your insurance card for a free shot, thanks to a collaboration with CVS pharmacy. President Maurie McInnis is doing her part to keep us all healthy, as you will see on this short video.
COMING SOON: CampusClear App for Faculty and Staff
The app that was developed for students in mid-August will soon be available to faculty and staff. Watch for more details over the next few weeks, and get ready for an app that should help provide a quicker way to complete your important daily health screening when coming to campus. (Paper self-screening will always be available for those without access to a computer or mobile device.)
Who Was That Masked Champion?
The Face Mask Champion Program is helping us ensure we keep campus open for in-person learning by complying with critical mask-wearing protocols. Stony Brook Medicine champions are reminding employees to wear their masks over their noses (not just covering their mouths), and to continue to social distance while in public spaces such as the cafeteria, hospital Starbucks and in break rooms.
Thirty new West Campus face mask champion volunteers are being trained, and are about to receive their special masks, along with a stack of cards to gently remind employees of mask-wearing guidance. Director of Healthier U Cathrine Duffy -- -- will also be providing an optional Zoom call for champions with post-training questions, and continues to welcome more volunteers to ‘champion’ the cause on West Campus.
Help Keep Us All Safe
      Wash your hands or use sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available.
      Try to always maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from other people.
      Wear a mask.
      Cover coughs and sneezes and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
      Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your workplace every day.
     Try to avoid using other people's phones, desks, offices, tools and equipment.
      Stay home if you’re sick.
Have an Idea? Need an Answer?
Visit our continuously updated return to the workplace FAQs on our Coming Back Safe and Strong website, or send your questions to
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