The Wire
 November 8, 2022
Memorial Church reflected in rain water
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STS News

New STS Courses for AY22/23


STS 10SI: Introduction to AI Alignment
This 8-week student-initiated course explores the subject of Artificial Intelligence in small discussion-based environments led by student facilitators with targeted readings, weekly group discussions, and an optional project. Enrollment is by application only. Apply at by Saturday, January 14, 2023, by 9:00PM.

STS 156: The Future Of Global Systemic Risk

This course investigates the data, methods, and insights mobilized by key actors such as corporations, governments, and academics to assess systemic risk, create future scenarios, and generate predictions.This year, the course will focus on combined risks from the environmental, health, and emerging tech domains.


STS 158: The Science and Politics of Apocalypse
This course examines how expectations surrounding the end of the world, and the role that human beings might play in bringing it about, have transformed over the last two centuries. After a brief look at traditional religious apocalypticism, we explore how apocalypse came to be reconsidered as an entirely this-worldly phenomenon that falls within human power to achieve and demands political attention.

Jobs and Internships

NASA's Internship Programs

The NASA Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) paid internships allow high school and college-level students to contribute to agency projects under the guidance of a NASA mentor. For more information, visit

Applied Materials Intern Program Summer 2023

Applied Materials, Inc. is the global leader in materials engineering solutions used to produce virtually every new chip and advanced display in the world. Their expertise in modifying materials at atomic levels and on an industrial scale enables customers to transform possibilities into reality. At Applied Materials, innovations make possible the technology shaping the future.

2023 HCC Summer Intern

For over 32 years, Health Career Connection has provided students with life-changing, career-launching internships. In addition to a powerful educational experience, HCC interns discover or affirm the health career direction that best suits them, find mentors, secure job offers and increase their competitiveness and connections for graduate health and professions schools.
Find more internships on Handshake


Music at the Farm: A Conversation with Okaidja Afroso

Nov 11, 2022 - 11:00am - 12:00pm
O'Donohue Family Farm
Free and open to all
An informal gathering of community at Stanford’s magical O’Donohue Family Farm to meet Ghanaian musician and composer Okaidja Afroso. The Portland-based artist draws from the ecological knowledge of the Indigenous Gadangme fishermen of Ghana’s Atlantic Gulf of Guinea to grapple with what it means to commune with the spirits of the sea in the face of climate change and modernization.  Through conversation and music, this event will be a celebration at the intersection of culture, environmental justice, sustainability, and art. Co-presented by the Environmental Justice Working Group, the Notations in Science Communication and Cultural Rhetorics, the Center for African Studies, and Stanford Live.  RSVP here.

Cardinal Quarter Opportunities Fair

Nov 11, 2022 - 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Tresidder Union, Oak Lounge

The Cardinal Quarter campus-wide initiative offers 500+ funded opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in full-time, quarter-long (academic year and summer), public service opportunities. This event is hosted by The Haas Center.  Find out more information here.

On-Campus Interviews & Employer Coffee Chats

Meet employers on campus! Employers will be on campus this year for interviews and coffee chats. To access these opportunities, login to Handshake and click on your account icon. In the dropdown menu, click “My Interviews” and then “On-Campus Interviews”. From there, you will be able to see the range of employers who are interested in meeting with and/or interviewing you for different opportunities.
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