Pathways Program Launch, continued
Pathways Program Launch, continued

Pathways Program Launch, continued

Five seniors are on track to be the first Knights to earn a special new honor cord at graduation this June for their successful completion of the Health Sciences Pathways program. The Engineering Pathways has robust enrollment with eight juniors and nine sophomores currently enrolled. One example of a student working the Pathways program to maximum effect is Siobhan Quinn ‘25. This year Siobhan is taking Engineering 2 and Honors Pre-Calculus, is an active member of the Robotics Club, works five days a month for her CWS job doing retirement plan research at RVK, and completed a summer pre-college program in astrophysics at the University of Chicago.  Siobhan explained, “I joined Engineering Pathways to enrich my knowledge of engineering and to figure out whether or not it is a career I want to pursue. Through this program, I am learning the many steps an engineer must take to present an idea.”
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