Dear Colleagues, 

This month’s destructive storm has deeply affected many in our community. I echo President Cudd in her Ice Storm Impacts: Care + Resources message in my thanks for your perseverance and care for the many who have been profoundly impacted by the storm and its aftermath. 

Due to last week’s weather closures, some classes lost a significant portion of the term’s instructional time, causing understandable worry and stress for both students and faculty. I am encouraging you to be as creative, flexible, and understanding as I already know you are, while maintaining the integrity and rigor of your courses. 

You, our faculty and staff, are resourceful and characteristically and continuously generous to and supportive of your students. I know that you understand that flexibility may take many forms including a modified syllabus, a shift in deadlines, a change to class participation credit calculations, or a new method of content delivery consistent with overall course expectations. For students who might need support, please reach out to the Office of Student Affairs at or refer students to the many resources available on their website. You can also contact or refer students to the Advising and Progression Team at

I also wanted to be sure you are aware that the Office of Academic Innovation offers resources for Instructional Continuity and Trauma Informed Teaching. If you are interested in learning more about adjusting your syllabus for a class you are teaching this term, or building contingency plans into future courses, OAI Instructional Designers are available to meet with you. Please get in touch with OAI's Faculty Support Desk or email Scott Robison directly at with your request.

I’m grateful to those of you who have already made adjustments in order to ensure our students can be successful this term despite the challenges that nature presented to all of us. I have no doubt that we will rise to this challenge.

Please contact your department chair or supervisor, or reach out to me at if you have questions or need more specific support. Thank you once more for everything you do for PSU and our students. 


Shelly Chabon 
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
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