“April is the cruelest month, breeding. Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing. memory and desire, stirring. Dull roots with spring rain.”
                                               - T.S. Elliot, The Wasteland

Looking out on the sun-kissed lawn here at the Library, we can't help but politely disagree with Mr. Elliot.

April was a great month here at the Library! We hosted Joanna Newsom and Robin Pecknold, kicked off our "Nowhere is Our Real Home" series, hosted an epic poetry reading in New York City — and that was only from April 1st to the 15th!

Perhaps T.S. should have done some jumping jacks or something to get the heart rate up. After all, as they say, "If you're blue, dig a hole...but don't jump in it."

And with that one-two punch of meaningless adages, let's JUMP into this month's digest!
Remembering the launch of "Nowhere Is Our Real Home" - a mere three weeks ago!
Indeed, as you may have heard, we’re launching a new speaking series this summer,Nowhere is Our Real Home.”
Here are some nifty photos, courtesy of our pal and resident photographer Debi Lorenc, from our inaugural installation earlier this month, in which we hosted the David Gessner, author of All the Wild that Remains.
Joanna Newsom in Big Sur - Everything new is old again!
To quote the 80s Kool and the Gang tune Joanna:
Joanna, I love you
You're the one
The one for me

I'm in love and I won't lie
She's my girl and always on my mind
She gives me her love and a feeling that's right
Never lets me down
Especially at night
Indeed, neither Joanna nor Robin Pecknold let us down when they performed here on April 6th. And while we don't have extensive photos from that evening, we do have rare photos of Joanna, circa 2009 (!), courtesy of Terry Way, here!
May 15th - an afternoon with the legendary Philip DeGruy.
Show starts at 3 pm. By donation. Oh, and we don't use the word "legendary" lightly. See why by clicking here.

May 28th - Cabaret Under the Stars!
Featuring the Daredevil Chicken Club, the Shanghai Pearl, Jenny Penny, and the inimitable Koko la Douce (pictured; she'll also be hosting a cabaret workshop earlier in the day).
And the MC? Why, that'd be our old pal Armitage Shanks (of Circus Contraption fame!)
Doors at 8 pm. Not for the faint of heart!  Click here!
Speaking of New York - Maria and Magnus in the Big City!

On April 15th, we hosted an evening of "reading, ranting, and raving" to celebrate the release of the launch of Ping Pong Free Press. 
Indeed, here's the HML's Maria Garcia Teutsch and Magnus reveling in the fun (just remember us little country folk would ya guys?) 
What's more, the Ping Pong magazine contest deadline has been extended to May 12th!  Click here!  
Attention New Yorkers!  On May 20, 2016 at Greenlight Bookstore in Brooklyn, New Directions will celebrate its 80th anniversary!  This publishing house, founded by James Laughlin, was instrumental in getting Henry's work into the hands of American readers.  Click here for more info.
Exciting Anais Nin (aka the Patron Mother of the HML) News!
You wouldn't be reading this were it not for Anais Nin. Why?
Because with out her seed money to fund the publication of "Tropic of Cancer," Henry may have ended up being just another unknown vagabond author scouring the streets of Paris rather than the man for whom the Library is named after.
In the meantime, some news from Sky Blue Press: A contract has been signed to set in motion the release of the first previously unpublished major piece of erotica by Anaïs Nin in nearly 40 years. The book is titled Auletris, which contains the unedited version of “Marcel” and a totally new story, “Life in Provincetown.” Publication date is later this year.
In more somber news, the editor of Nin’s Delta of Venus, Little Birds, and Henry and June, John Ferrone (above, with Anais), has died at the age of 91. Check out this podcast looking at how he got into the business of editing Nin and how he became an instrumental guide in the publication of the most recent Nin diary, Mirages.
They said it couldn't be done...but we did it!  And then some!
Last but not least....a big THANK YOU to the Big Sur community for SELLING OUT the Big Sur Fashion Show in record time!
Thanks to the River Inn for accomodating what will surely be the event of the year (on May 19th) and thanks to everyone involved in making this sure-to-be-incredible show possible!
See you on the 19th!  If not sooner!
What Remains of A Woman's Right to Choose?
A documentary film screening May 7th at 8PM.
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