Dear New Paltz Student,
We present the May 3, 2024 edition of The Globe!
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The Globe is our International Student Newsletter. It is usually sent bi-weekly (every other week) on Fridays. In The Globe you will find announcements from the International Student Programs office. Important reminders, information on events and more.
As always, please read all information under Announcements and Reminders carefully as it may pertain to policies, mandatory requirements, or other information necessary for International Students.
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Events & Opportunities
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Announcements and Reminders
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End of Semester Celebration
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Time: 2PM - 4PM
Location: SUB 62/63
The Center for International Programs invites you to a celebration of YOU and your hard work this semester!
Let's celebrate finishing the semester and have a special acknowledgement for friends who are graduating or leaving us after this semester! Please RSVP and let us know you are coming.
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Center for Student Engagement Events
The Center for Student Engagement has events and activities all semester long for students. See below for some events happening now - the end of the semster, (Click on the stressbuster image to see the full-size poster). If you have questions about these events, please contact the Center for Student Engagement at
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New Paltz ENGAGE-listed Events
New Paltz ENGAGE is our campus platform for clubs, organizations, and events. Click Events at the top to see a list of upcoming activities. Keep checking their page as new events are added all the time!
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Announcements and Reminders
- If you are planning to travel abroad, please remember to get a travel signature on your I-20 (F-1 students) or DS 2019 (J-1 students).
- Travel signatures are valid for 6 months and are required for re-entry into the US after traveling abroad.
- You will also need a valid visa and your passport must be valid at least 6 months into the future of your return date.
- You do not need a travel signature if you are traveling within the US.
- You do not need an updated travel signature if you have received one within the last 6 months.
- NOTE(F-1): If you are completing your program this semester, (and you are not applying for OPT), you do not need a travel signature and you have a 60-day grace period in the US when your program ends.
J-1 STUDENTS: You can request your travel signature at Travel Abroad & Travel Signature, or you can come to the International Student Programs office with your DS-2019 to meet with Jeff Pollard on Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm or by appointment.
- NOTE (J-1): If you are completing your program this semester, you do not need a Travel Signature, and you have a 30-day grace period in the US when your program ends.
Registration for F-1 Students
Since course registration for Fall 2024 has begun, please remember international students have status requirements that relate to your academics! Full-time enrollment requirements All international students must maintain full-time status "Full-time" may differ depending on your program
- All undergraduate degrees, MBA and MFA: 12 credits or more
- All other graduate degrees: 9 credits or more
- An exception to full-time enrollment is made in your FINAL SEMESTER only and requires approval.
Method of Instruction
- Only ONE online course counts toward the full-time registration requirement each semester.
- The majority of your courses must be seated and/or hybrid each semester.
- In your final semester, if you are only taking one course, it cannot be online only.
Practicum, Internship, Fieldwork courses, and CPT approval If you are registering for a course in the fall that has practical experience attached to it, you must remember to get CPT authorization BEFORE you begin any type of off-campus opportunity. For example, if you are registering for Practicum, Internship, Fieldwork, or an Independent Study that has an off-campus component, you must get CPT authorization before you begin your internship/practicum/fieldwork. You can learn more about this by reading the CPT information here.
If you have questions or concerns about this, please contact International Student Programs.
International Student Programs Office/Advising Hours
The International Student Programs office in VH 201 is open Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
- International Student Programs offers walk-in advising hours on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00am - 1:00pm for all international students.
- Dr. Kathleen Geher, Director of the Dual Diploma Programs hosts office hours on Tuesdays from 1:00pm - 3:00pm and Thursadys from 3:00pm - 5:00pm. Dual Diploma students can shedule an appointment with Dr. Geher here! You can also email her at to schedule an appointment outside of her normal office hours.
- Jeff Pollard, Exchange & Visiting Student Advisor, also hosts walk-in advising hours on Wednesday from 2:00pm - 4:00pm, or email him at if you would like to schedule an appointment outside of these hours.
Reminder: Academic Calendar
Please reference the Spring 2024 Academic Calendar for important dates throughout the semester including deadlines, holidays, and finals. (Protip: Bookmark it!)
For those of you traveling abroad at the end of the semester, click here for information on how you can get to all the NYC airports from New Paltz.
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The Campus Food Pantry
The Campus Food Pantry is open and continues to serve on- and off-campus students as well as campus faculty and staff during the week, for both walk-in orders and to pick up remote requests. Location: Student Union Buliding, (SUB: 413)
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- Most food pantries are community-based organizations that provide free or low-cost food and other essential items to individuals. Food pantries play a crucial role in addressing food insecurity and providing support to those facing economic hardship. Food pantries aim to alleviate immediate hunger and provide emergency food assistance to those in need. They often distribute non-perishable items like canned goods, pasta, rice, and other staples, as well as fresh produce when available.
- If you or a fellow student are in need of food assistance, consider using the on-campus food pantry, or other food pantries in our community.
- In addition to the on-campus food pantry, here is information about local food pantries in the New Paltz area.
St. Joseph's Church: Food assistance available, please bring photo ID. You can receive assistance once a month.
New Paltz Methodist Church: Free Fresh Food is a pop-up food giveaway that takes surplus goods and makes them available to anyone who stops by.
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International Student Union
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The international student community contributes to the diversity of campus culture and community engagement. We believe that Globalization is an integral part of New Paltz's teachings and social activities.
Want to learn more about the International Student Union (ISU) or join?
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Tip of the Day
As the semester comes to a close take a moment to breathe, take a walk, share a meal with a friend or check out one of the many great events being offered around campus. The point is to take a moment and don't let the end of the semester overwhelm you!
Quote of the Day
“The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls. Every truth we see is ours to give the world, not to keep for ourselves alone, for in so doing we cheat humanity out of their rights and check our own development.”
~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton
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