Newsletter of Smith Memorial Student Union at Portland State University
Newsletter of Smith Memorial Student Union at Portland State University
Spring Term Hours in Smith
Spring term building hours will continue to follow campus building hours with the addition of our public access hours. Through June, Smith’s hours will be:
  • Student PSU ID access – 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily
  • Staff and faculty with standard PSU ID access – 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily
  • Broadway doors open to the general public – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-F
Those PSU staff members with extended building access will have that access to Smith.

The building will be open for scheduled events evenings and weekends. Event attendees can get access at the SW Broadway entrance for most events. Also:
  • University Market will be open 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. M-Th; til 5 p.m. on Fridays.
  • Food service amenities — such as Smith’s coffee+eats, Bowery Bagels, Smith’s Kitchen food court — will be open weekdays. Bowery Bagels is open for breakfast until mid-afternoon. Smith's coffee+eats is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Again this term, the food court will feature Kunniq gourmet sausage, ACE sushi and Shwarma Spot from 11 a.m. to mid-afternoon. 
  • Joining the food court this term will be Blazing Burritos from noon to 3 p.m. M-Th. It's operated by Bashas Mediterranean and will feature menu items from their food cart. 
  • In Viking Pavilion, the Versa Cafe, also Bashas, features smoothies, breakfast wraps and sandwiches weekdays.
  • Viking Gameroom in the basement will have open game times from noon to 6 p.m. M-F unless a special event is scheduled. You can check availability on the Gameroom event calendar.
Better late than never, our 2024 Smith calendar with PSU dates indicated is available. Download the PDF (perfect for cubicle and office walls) or ask for a copy at the Info Hub in the Broadway lobby.
The drawing titled Large Drawing 2 now hangs in the south dining hall. The drawing is black and white charcoal liines on a background of lighter charcoal.
As preparations continue for the Jason Washington art installation that will be housed in the second floor lounge, the drawing “Large Drawing 2 (1988)” by Gwen Davidson has moved to the south dining hall on the ground floor. Drop by and admire it!
BTW, proposals for panels, speakers, presentations and displays that resonate with Washington’s life and the issues surrounding his death are still being sought for the June 6 day of remembrance that will be held in Smith.
Food Pantry open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday in the basement of Smith: The Smallwood Food Pantry is open to all PSU students -- when staffing allows. At the start of this term, the hours are:
  • 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday
  • 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday
  • 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Friday
Learn more about the pantry and track hours on their website.
Promote Your Events With Smith

Spring term means events, events, events on campus. (Plan now for the President’s Formal Investiture on Friday, May 10.)

To help promote those occasions and activities, Smith offers public bulletin boards on the ground floor, second floor and basement; display screen opportunities; and we are happy to mention activities in the Scoop. (Use our updated Scoop request form to let us know what your organization is doing in Smith.)   

Remember: Due to heavy student union use and our custodial costs, Smith Operations cannot allow materials to be left on tables or surfaces, or be taped to walls, windows or doors.
Check out the Smith promotions webpage for more on communications opportunities.
Students and employers mingle on the floor of the Viking Pavilion Arena. Each potential employer is based at a table in rows on the floor.
Speaking of events, the University Career Center’s winter career fair in February was held in the Viking Pavilion for the first time. The gathering of area employers, conducted three times a year, had outgrown its place on the third floor of Smith. Moving to the Arena allowed students to seek internships and employment under one roof. Look for the spring term fair on May 1 in Viking.

Who to contact about building issues in Smith
For most concerns related to the use of Smith, contact building manager Mercedes Youngston, 503-725-4334. These would include custodial issues, non-emergency maintenance, space-related issues and access control needs. Note: If you submit a request to the Facilities Work Control Center for facility emergencies in Smith, please CC Mercedes. 

For safety concerns and after-hours building emergencies in Smith, contact Campus Public Safety Office at 503-725-5911.

Call 911 immediately for any life-threatening emergencies.

Smith is managed by the Campus Events & Student Union office, located in Smith 119 (off the Broadway lobby). You can reach us at, 503-725-2663. 

Editor's Note: During winter term, the Scoop was on a bit of a "hiatus" due to staffing issues of our own. We appreciate everyone's patience and promise to keep you updated on the happenings around Smith this term. 
The Smith Scoop promotes events, programs, services, and resources of interest to those who use Portland State University's Smith Memorial Student Union. We are a PSU Student Fee-Funded Area.
Please let us know what you are doing around Smith that might be of interest to the student union community. Send event info or important changes to your department or Smith-based group to our Content Submission Form. (Yes, 
To view past Smith Scoop editions, visit The Smith Scoop archive

We hope you enjoy The Smith Scoop and your time at Smith Memorial Student Union!
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