Plus, Oswego City, County Receive $10,000 for Drone Program
Plus, Oswego City, County Receive $10,000 for Drone Program

Oswego County Economic Development News

August 31, 2023
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River View is an equal partnership among Drs. Sarah Finocchiaro, (center), Carla Overton and Christopher Delaney.

River View Pediatrics Celebrate Official Opening

River View Pediatrics, who have relocated to the site of the former Tops market at 909 W. First St. recently celebrated their official opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony and reception.
River View is an equal partnership among Drs. Sarah Finocchiaro, Carla Overton and Christopher Delaney. Dr. Finocchiaro is the partnership president. “We are overjoyed to finally be open at this wonderful new location,” said Finocchiaro. “It’s a dream come true. In addition, we are now better equipped to help our patients and we have more resources on site to optimize our response and treatment.”
In Architects of Syracuse designed the new offices and construction was contracted by Construction Design and Management, (CDM), Syracuse.
The property, which had been vacant since 2018,  was a local supermarket for nearly 60 years. The practice occupies the majority of the building, approximately 8,000 sq. ft, which also includes two separate 3,500 sq. ft. spaces flanking  the main entrance for tenant businesses. This more than doubles the practice’s current space. Mirabito Financial Group is the property’s first tenant with a tentative move-in date of late fall 2023.
“We are so grateful to Mayor Michaels and the City of Fulton for their support, as well as Operation Oswego County and our county legislators to help make this new office a reality,” Finocchiaro said.
“It was wonderful to celebrate with Riverview Pediatrics’ owners, Drs. Sarah Finocchiaro, Carla Overton and Christopher Delaney, along with their project partners and elected officials, as they move into their expanded location, commented Austin Wheelock, Operation Oswego County's executive director.
"This expansion will provide Riverview Pediatrics the space needed to grow their employment of skilled healthcare workers, increase their patient capacity, and meet the growing needs of the community by providing high quality pediatric care in the City of Fulton and the surrounding area.”
Among the benefits to patients at the new location is ample parking, and easy wheelchair and stroller access. There are large bathrooms with changing tables and a private, separate room for nursing moms.  The practice currently treats approximately 6,000 patients and is accepting new patients (birth to 18 years of age).
Other features of the new offices include a large central nursing station, and the number of examination rooms has increased from nine to 16.  Patients will follow a circular pattern that affords greater privacy, starting with check-in, then a move to an exam room, and exit. The new offices also have a separate, private consultation area. In addition to the three partner pediatricians, the practice includes one part-time pediatrician, one full-time pediatric nurse practitioner, four licensed practical nurses, four full-time office staff, and one full-time office manager. “We plan to add more doctors and nurses as we grow, while still keeping the warm, one-on-one attention that our patients expect, and this practice is built on,” Finocchiaro said. “Our goal is to get sick patients in on the same day they contact us. Covid and a lack of space didn’t always make this possible in recent years.”
River View Pediatrics was formed in 2017, and provides well childcare, sports and employment physicals, treats acute illness and injuries, provides immunizations and behavioral health. “River View Pediatrics is an extension of the 40-year practice and tradition of excellent and compassionate pediatric care founded by Dr. Stuart Trust,”  Finocchiaro said.
According to Jerome Mirabito, Fulton Savings Bank senior vice president and a son of one of the original property owners, the 909 W. 1st St. site started as a Mirabito’s  Supermarket that opened in 1959 or 1960, owned by Ross Mirabito and operated by Jerome’s parents, Angelo and Pauline Mirabito.  It became Angelo’s Big M Supermarket in December 1967, and its square footage doubled when the store expanded in 1977. Angelo and Pauline’s entire family were involved in operating the store, which provided employment and valuable work experience to countless high school students from Fulton for many years. In 1990,  Angelo and Pauline Mirabito retired and sold the business to John Struppler. It then became Struppler’s Shur Fine Market.
Struppler’s operated for 25 years until it was acquired by Tops Markets in August 2015. Tops closed in October 2018, and the building has been vacant since then.
River View Pediatrics, who have relocated to the site of the former Tops market at 909 W. First St., recently celebrated their official opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony and reception. On hand for the event were, from left: Jontomas Bixby, CDM; Kevin LaMontagne, Operation Oswego County; Tony DelVecchio, M&T Bank; Sue Fadden, M&T Bank; Austin Wheelock, Operation Oswego County; Legislator Frank Castiglia; Dr. Christopher Delaney, Dr. Sarah Finocchiaro, Dr. Carla Overton, River View Pediatrics; Chris Pisanti, CDM; Cory Bendekovic, CDM; Fulton Mayor Deana Michaels; Fulton Councilor Doug Chapman; Gary Cottet, Cushman & Wakefield; Legislator James Karasek; Legislator Marc Greco; Laurie Mangano, Assemblyman Barclay’s office.
On-hand for the check presentation — which was delivered to them by drone — are, from left: Chris Baker, City of Oswego drone coordinator; Oswego Deputy Police Chief Damian Waters, Oswego Police Chief Phil Cady, Oswego Mayor Billy Barlow, Luciano, Cathleen Palmitesso, director, Oswego County Emergency Management Office; John McGraw, Oswego County drone coordinator; Charlie Dailey, Brookfield Fulton operations manager; Chris Rinoldo, Brookfield operations manager; and Patrick McNelis, Brookfield national control center operations manager. 

Oswego City, County Receive $10,000 from Brookfield Renewable in Support of Drone Programs

Mark Luciano, stakeholder relations manager for Brookfield Renewable US, (center holding check), presents a check for $10,000 at Oswego’s Veterans Memorial Park to the City of Oswego and Oswego County Emergency Management in support of their drone programs. Each will receive $5,000 in support for their program. Brookfield’s support is in response to some incidents of disruptive behavior that have occurred along the riverside in the past. Monitoring by drones is a deterrent to that behavior and will make a safer waterfront for all fishermen and citizens. In addition, drones can carry and drop a flotation vest to a person in the water to assist first responders.
Brookfield operates hydroelectric generation facilities along the Oswego River in Oswego and Fulton and has a total of 74 hydroelectric facilities in NY State.

Webinar: Attracting Business & Investment to Downtowns Without Strong Markets

Downtowns with weak real estate markets confront special challenges in attracting business investments. But there are effective ways to address these challenges.
If your municipality is interested in bolstering its small-town economy and downtown, then join us for a webinar entitled, “Attracting Business & Investment to Downtowns Without Strong Markets.” 
The Department of State has gathered municipal and economic development experts to discuss their experiences and highlight their successes in attracting new markets within smaller and rural communities.
Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Featured Speakers: 
  • Laura Palisano Hackathorn, Trustee, Village of Hamburg
  • Austin Wheelock, Executive Director of Operation Oswego County
  • Billy Barlow, Mayor of Oswego, and Vice President of Public Affairs & System Development at Oswego Health
  • Christian Mercurio, Vice President of Planning and Development, MV EDGE
  • Crystal Surdyk, Director of Development at the City of Jamestown, NY
  • Andrew Obernesser, Director of Community Investment at Centerstate CEO
  • Honora Spillane, Vice President of Economic Development, Centerstate CEO

About NY Forward and Small-Town Markets

A major focus of the State’s NY Forward Program is attracting business and investment to downtowns without strong markets,. Economic challenges may be magnified in a smaller community, where even a single business failure may affect nearly everyone living in the vicinity. The key to success in building a healthy business community in a small town is to develop strong partnerships with regional economic development groups, maximize the community’s strengths and understand its weaknesses, and build a shared community vision and goals for local economic improvement. NYS DOS has gathered municipal and economic development experts to describe their experiences and highlight their successes in attracting new markets within smaller, rural communities.
Governor Hochul created the NY Forward program to invigorate and enliven downtowns in New York’s smaller and rural communities—the type of downtowns found in villages, hamlets and other small, neighborhood-scale municipal centers. NY Forward builds on the success of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) by adopting the same “Plan-then-Act” strategy. 
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