| Hello, New Subscribers!
We hope you'll enjoy this monthly update on all things Upstream Arts. We only include highlights here, so be sure to keep tabs on our website to learn more about our multidisciplinary arts programs for people with disabilities at every stage of life, as well as community workshops and events.
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Join the Conversation
Each month in this corner, we share resources related to our ongoing campaign to generate artistic reflection and public conversation about stigma associated with disability. This fall, we've been following the weekly series about disaiblity unfolding in The New York Times. It includes many great reads relevant to our campaign, but one that has especially resonated in recent weeks is John Altmann's "I Don't Want to Be Inspiring." Check it out, then click here to puruse some of the other articles in the series.
As always, we'd love to know what you think! How does this piece, or others in the series, connect or not to your own experiences? Please share your thoughts with us on Facebook or Twitter.
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Dear Friend, This month, we're excited to share:
- A downloadable PDF of our brand new 2016 Annual Report
- A save-the-date for an exciting music event in February
- Another great essay from the NYT series on disability
- Huge thanks to our generous Give to the Max Donors, plus more ways to support if you haven't yet made a fall gift
We're so grateful to be in community with you. Happy holidays!
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| Upstream Arts' 2016 Annual Report
This fall, we're continuing to celebrate 10 years of work at the intersection of art, disability, and learning as we release our 2015-2016 annual report! In addition to offering a snapshot into our most recently completed fiscal year and financials, this piece also includes delightful photos from our programs, quotes from our community, and highlights from our past decade of impact in Minnesota and beyond. If you're on our mailing list, watch for a hard copy coming soon; if you're not, but would like to request a one, feel free to contact Rachel at rachel@upstreamarts.org; or click here to download a PDF right now.
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| Upstream Arts participant and Teaching Artist working with visual prompts during a class in partnership with Lifeworks Adult Day Program | |
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| Gratitude & The Work Ahead On November 17, Give to the Max Day kicked off our annual Fall Fund Appeal – and you’ve already given over $4,000 toward building a more connected & inclusive world! HUGE THANKS to the many generous individuals who have made contributions over the past month. If you haven’t already, there’s still plenty of time between now and December 31 to make a 2016 tax-deductible donation to Upstream Arts, toward our big goal for the year of raising $100,000 by June 30. Also, remember, November 29 is Giving Tuesday, a major national day of giving for which Razoo.com is waiving all platform fees (and in fact, they’re waiving fees for the rest of the year thereafter)! Click here to make a gift to Upstream Arts on Razoo right now.
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