Meaningful Adventure
“Adventure provides meaningful experiences for students like me to keep growing in our faith, while inviting others to come join and experience God’s love through adventuring together.” - Tate Thielfoldt, YLC Student Delegate at UMN
“As I entered college, I was lacking a male voice in my life to guide me. Thankfully, during my freshman year, I got invited to YLC. Through adventure with my leaders, they guided me with scripture and community to help me know who God made me to be.” - Marty Burg, YLC Student Delegate at UMN
More of Tate’s story:
YL College has given me a great way to meet other believers at the UMN, where it can be challenging to follow Jesus. The adventures I've been able to go on with these guys have been unbelievably meaningful! It really has been everything for me.
More of Marty’s story:
YLC has provided some crazy awesome adventures, such as going to Florida for the first time over Spring Break and riding my bike 100 miles. Adventure that YLC offers helps me experience the fullness of God in a positive way, rather than the typical adventures the world offers. I can’t imagine making it through college without the ministry of YLC.