Take a J-Term Online Course at NYU Shanghai!
Creative Writing Minor Info Session
Curious about the future of Creative Writing? Come hear about the new Creative Writing and Creative Writing-adjacent courses! Contact Creative Writing Coordinator Professor
David Perry at
dp102@nyu.edu with questions.
Science, Technology, and Society Info Session
Friday, November 11 | 2:30-3:30 PM | Room 309 |
RSVP (Free pizza will be provided!)
Come to this STS info session and discover more exciting Humanities courses that will fulfill your STS course requirements!
Apply for Writing & Speaking Learning Assistants!
Want to be a Writing & Speaking Learning Assistant (WSLA) and work for ARC? WSLAs provide individual writing, speaking, reading, and listening consultations, and you will hone your writing abilities and develop your professional skills.
Neo Library: AI Art Open Call
We invite you to create art using the latest text-to-image generative AI art engines! Learn more about
Neo-Library AI Art Open Call: Choose your AI tools (Stable Diffusion & Disco Diffusion) and upload your work by December 23.
Join the Humanities Book Club!
Event Date: In the week of December 5 | Email Professor
Alice Wang for more details.
Women explorers in the Sahara is the theme of this semester's Humanities Book Club. We will read stories by
Sanmao (三毛) and
Isabelle Eberhardt, two fearless nomads who roamed the North African desert in the late 19th and 20th centuries.
NYU Shanghai Poetry Post
Call for submissions! Intended to create a reading pleasure with the goal of providing a common cultural experience for everyone on campus.