Introducing ISC’s Cloud First Program
We are excited to introduce ISC’s Cloud First Program to the University community. Our vision is to work with you to position Penn for the future of IT systems and services by pursuing a “Cloud First” strategy to accelerate the speed of delivery and to drive more value through technology.
Penn has accumulated decades of technology “layers” as we added functionality and addressed institutional challenges. This accumulation has resulted in excessive support overhead, slow and expensive fixes and enhancements, a challenging service environment, and difficulty moving forward in support of Penn’s mission. For the past five years, Penn has gradually embraced cloud computing as a more responsive and efficient way to deliver new levels of computing functionality, performance, and capacity.
Now we are ready for a unified strategy – Cloud First – which places cloud at the top of the decision-making chain for all new technology investments. ISC is committed to becoming a cloud delivery model expert, and will create a migration roadmap with phases and discrete deliverables.
Goals - Position Penn to thrive in the dramatically changing technological landscape – new learning and education delivery models, research models, security and business on demand.
- Provide new and innovative ways to deliver IT in support of Penn's mission, while leveraging industry solutions, in a way that provides scalability, agility, efficiency, staff development, and risk management.
Benefits - Increase business application agility, scalability, and effectiveness
- Improve resource availability for higher value work
- Leverage currently available technology for greater efficiency
- Create a more predictable spending profile and total cost of ownership for technology
- Enable rapid and iterative improvements and replacement of technology
What’s Next
Over the coming months, we will be analyzing technical opportunities and challenges, identifying early cloud service and application candidates, and developing methodologies and approaches to various use cases. We will collaborate with clients as we progress, and have begun discussions with members of IT Roundtable. Look forward to us reaching out soon to schedule individual meetings with key reps from the Schools and Centers.
We look forward to sharing more progress with you soon!
The ISC Leadership Team