Which University Has the Most Alumni Who are Congressional Staffers on Capitol Hill?
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GW GFI Institute's José Andrés Gets Presidential Medal of Freedom
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Former President Joe Biden gives the Presidential Medal of Freedom to chef and humanitarian José Andrés, who founded the Global Food Institute at GW. (White House photo)
World-renowned chef and philanthropist José Andrés, a longtime member of the GW community and founder of the George Washington University Global Food Institute (GFI), was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Former President Joe Biden for his contributions to culinary innovation and global humanitarian efforts. Andrés co-founded GFI in 2023 to tackle global food challenges through multi-disciplinary research, innovation, and policy.
Director of Trachtenberg's Master of Arts in Environmental and Sustainability Policy Program Rachel Emas and Associate Research Professor John Forrer are just two of many faculty members who serve as affiliated faculty for GFI. Emas focuses on sustainability and environmental policies, especially around sustainable and equitable urban food systems. Forrer focuses on international development and public-private partnerships. They help exemplify the institute’s mission to create a more sustainable and equitable future. Read more in GW Today →
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Newcomer Supporting Public Service and Evidence Building in Cairo
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Kathy Newcomer and Laila El Baradei of the University of Cairo
Professor Kathy Newcomer delivered the keynote "Inclusive Engagement to Strengthen Evidence Building in Government" at the annual Association for Middle East Public Policy and Administration Conference at the American University of Cairo. The conference was financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) drawing public administration practitioners and academics from the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). Speakers' key focus was innovation in approaches to delivering public services. Speakers also featured the use of AI and other technical supports and promising practices to strengthen the voices of women and other marginalized groups.
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Quality of Regulatory Impact Analyses Linked to Longevity of Rules
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Associate Professor Chris Carrigan, GW PhD Candidate Zhoudan Xie, and the late Jerry Ellig published "Regulatory Impact Analysis and Litigation Risk" in the Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis showing how microeconomic analysis influences policy decisions using data on major regulations between 2008 and 2013. High-quality Regulatory Impact Analyses (RIA) are linked to a lower chance of rules being struck down, as long as agencies explain how the analysis influenced their decisions. If agencies highlight a poor-quality RIA, they have a greater risk of the rule being overturned. If an RIA was used but not highlighted, the quality of the analysis is not related to the likelihood that the regulation will later be invalidated. Read the paper →
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Redburn Informs Tasks for Homelessness Initiatives and the 50 Year Review of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act
TSPPPA faculty member F. Stevens Redburn co-authored "Reducing Homelessness: An Intergovernmental Challenge" with Richard F. Callahan, Lauren Larson, and Brad Riley. Published in Public Administration Review, the authors use three case studies to identify five key tasks for effective initiatives. Tasks include jointly agreeing to strategies and objectives, building coordination networks, integrating services, using data to inform planning and delivery, and building or strengthening governance and financing structures.
Redburn's comment on Professor Phil Joyce’s review of the first 50 years of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 is in Public Budgeting & Finance. Redburn adds to Joyce's analysis with his argument that the Act established a budget process but did not adequately address the analytical and political limitations of Congress as an institution.
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Dudley on Regulatory Policy Actions and Challenges
"Regulatory Reform: Results and Challenges" by Professor Susan Dudley and the late Jerry Ellig in the Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis reviews the rationale for three approaches to achieving better regulatory outcomes, results to date, and remaining challenges. It finds that both institutional and technical factors influence the success of reform efforts.
Dudley also authored an Op-Ed for Forbes, "At Midnight Some Rules Will Turn Into Pumpkins" examining how Biden's policy officials hastened to implement their priorities by rushing regulations out the door, despite potential recall via the Congressional Review Act.
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Thanks to our Inaugural Execs in Residence and Links to their Advice
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Our esteemed alumni for the Executive in Residence (EIR) Program at the Trachtenberg School completed their term in the Fall. Students and others benefited greatly from their expertise and experience. We thank them for sharing their wisdom and inspiring us. Visit the links below for some inspirational advice from each of them.
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Welcome to our Spring 2025 Executives in Residence
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We look forward to engaging with our Spring Executives in Residence. As the second cohort for our program, they are enhancing our deep student-alumni connections and bringing their talents and insights to the School to help others learn from their successes. Our new Executives in Residence are listed below.
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Join Us in February at the "AI at Work" Conference
GW's NSF-NIST Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law and Society's (TRAILS) "AI at Work" conference will explore ethical frameworks and guidelines for AI systems, strategies for building trustworthy AI governance within organizations, supporting AI and/as workers, and tools/concepts to help address the challenges of AI at work across all sectors. The February 3-4 conference will feature plenaries such as "Who Participates in Participatory AI and How can we Make AI More Participatory?"; and "AI in the workworld." The conference is on the Foggy Bottom campus of George Washington University and is free to all. We look forward to seeing you there! There likely will be a virtual option for those who cannot attend in-person or register after in-person capacity is reached. Register here →
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Sign Up for Shared Services Leadership Coalition Workshops
Registration is closing! The Trachtenberg School, in collaboration with the Shared Services Leadership Coalition, once again is offering virtual workshops taught by GW professors and leaders from government and industry engaged in Shared Services. CPE credit is available to participants. Register today for the basic track and the advanced track.
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