- Cover Crop Conference (WWASH)
- 2023 Corn and Soybean Hybrid Trial Results
- Which to Plant First, Soybeans or Corn
- Cereal Rye Cover Crops Information
- Narrow Soybean Rows: How to Manage Both Weeds & White Mold
- Field Notes Episode 14: Cranberry Production
- Step into Biosecurity with Clean and Disinfected Boots
- Pre-Weaned Calf Transport Practices Survey
- Get Started on your Farm Succession Plan
- Farm Pulse: Crop Insurance & Grain Marketing
- 2024 WI Women in Agriculture Conference
- COMET - Changing Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory
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Farm Pulse l Crop Insurance and Grain Marketing December 5-7, 2023 9:30am (More info below) to register click HERE
COMET l Changing Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory December 5, 2023 12:30pm (More info below) to register click HERE
WWASH Conference | Former Cover Crop Conference December 7-8, 2023, to register click HERE
Columbia County Corn Growers Winter Meeting | Club 60, Columbus December 13, 2023 8:00am - 1:00pm, RSVP to Casey Bennet by email or 608-742-9687
Getting Started on your Farm Sucession Plan | Free Webinar December 15, 2023 12:00pm (More info below) to register click HERE
Badger Dairy Insight | Moving Cows without the Cows: Employee Training 3rd Tuesday of the Month, 11:00 am, to register click HERE
Wisconsin Women in Agriculture | Three Bears Resort, Warrens WI January 12-13, 2024, (More info below) to register click HERE
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Cover Crop Conference Becomes WWASH
This year the Cover Crop Conference and Discovery Farms Conference have united forces to become the Wisconsin Water and Soil Health Conference, which will be held December 7-8. Most importantly, the sponsored happy hour session remains…
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2023 Corn and Soybean Hybrid Trial Results:
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Which to plant first, soybeans or corn?
New research from UW-Madison shows that if weather permits earlier planting, farm income benefits most from planting soybeans early, but if planting gets delayed after April 30th, corn yield potential drops more sharply than soybeans and farmers should plant corn first. However, many factors contribute to planting decisions that might complicate this math on any individual farm.
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Cereal rye cover crop does not affect pre-emergence herbicide control of suppression of waterhemp and palmer amaranth in soybeans
Research from members of the WiscWeeds team found that while planting soybeans green into a cereal rye cover crop did reduce the concentration of preemergence herbicide in the soil, overall waterhemp and palmer amaranth suppression was not affected. In high waterhemp and palmer amaranth pressure fields, weed suppression with a preemergent herbicide was even improved through planting green in relation to the no cover crop control.
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Narrow Soybean Rows: How to Manage Both Weeds & White Mold
When it comes to choosing soybean row spacing, some farmers feel torn between opting for narrow rows and better weed control or wider rows and reduced white mold problems.
But it doesn’t have to be an either/or decision, University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) weed scientist Dr. Rodrigo Werle and UW plant pathologist Dr. Damon Smith explain, in a video produced by the University of Wisconsin Integrated Pest and Crop Management’s “Bumper Crop” series.
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Field Notes Episode 14: Cranberry Production
Wisconsin’s state fruit for a reason; we produce the majority of the world’s supply, and who better to dig into the details, or the peat, than UW-Madison Extension Cranberry Outreach Specialist Allison Jonjak? We strap on our waders and hop into the bogs to talk about Wisconsin’s production of this native, perennial vine and the unique environment and highly acidic soils in which they grow.
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Step into biosecurity with clean and disinfected boots
Keeping your livestock safe from microbes, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, is the biosecurity goal that all farms should have. Wearing clean, sanitized footwear helps meet this goal as foot traffic moves microbes to and around the farm. Help visitors and those who work on the farm know the paths for limiting the spread of microbes between animal groups by posting signs to designate all entrances, parking, and travel routes. Limit animal contact by visitors; both visitors and personnel should wear clean clothing and boots in animal contact areas. To learn more:
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Pre-Weaned Calf Transport Practices Survey
Are you involved with Preweaned Calf Transportation? Colorado State University (CSU) and UW-Madison Extension want to hear from anyone making decisions about the transportation or receiving of preweaned dairy and dairy x beef calves in the United States. We want to hear from the source farm, the transporation drivers and the receiving operation - anyone involved in the process. Please take this survey using the link below. Required password is: Holstein23
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Udderly Efficient: Management Strategies for Optimal Performance
3rd Tuesday of each month from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CST
Faith Reyes and Carolina Pinzón, newly appointed statewide Dairy Outreach Specialists at the University of Wisconsin – Madison Division of Extension, will be presenting this webinar to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of effective dairy animal handling, grouping strategies and their impact on efficiency in the parlor and beyond.
There is no charge to participate, however pre-registration is required to allow access to the session. Click below to register:
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Getting started on your Farm Succession Plan Webinar
Have you been thinking about planning for your farm’s future, but you’re not sure where to start? Do you have a family member or someone outside of the family interested in coming into the farm business, but you don’t know how to have that first conversation? Join UW-Madison Division of Extension Farm Succession Outreach Specialist, Joy Kirkpatrick, on Friday, December 15, 2023, from noon - 12:45 pm for the Getting Started on Your Farm Succession Plan webinar.
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Farm Pulse: Crop Insurance & Grain Marketing
Farm Pulse: Crop Insurance and Grain Marketing is an online course with planned in-person meetings for farmers interested in learning the importance of risk management, crop insurance, and grain marketing. This course will help farmers in identifying production and marketing risks of their farm business to assist them in making decisions that will improve their farm profitability. Dates offered: December 5, 6 & 7. To learn more & RSVP:
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2024 Wisconsin Women in Agriculture Conference
Women at the forefront of Wisconsin’s diverse agriculture community should plan to attend the Wisconsin Women in Agriculture Conference this January 12 and 13, 2024 at the Three Bears Resort in Warrens, WI. The Wisconsin Women in Agriculture Conference will be a one and a half-day event designed to provide research-based and practical educational opportunities for all women interested in any aspect of agriculture. Through workshops and presentations, attendees will learn how to better manage risk, improve their farms, and become more successful farm owners, operators, and ag professionals.
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COMET™ - Changing Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory
COMET™ is a short, two-hour program offered by UW – Madison Division of Extension for the agricultural and rural communities in Wisconsin. The program can be offered in-person as a standalone workshop, attached to a larger conference, or on a virtual platform. The maximum number of participants for any of these formats is 30. The program is a gentle introduction to supporting friends and neighbors in a vulnerable space to help them shift their mental health trajectory back to a place of wellness and away from the path of a mental health crisis. COMET™ helps people take the next step after noticing someone might be struggling. It empowers friends and neighbors to be more prepared to support others’ mental health needs – especially before a crisis.
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Pain Management Survey - The division of Extension seeks participants in a Pain Management Survey. This survey aims to collect information from farmers about their use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for various conditions/procedures in cattle.
Learn the most up-to-date information on topics including diary and livestock production, forages and farm management.
Dairy resources from UW-Madison Division of Extension
The Farmer to Farmer Hay, Forage and Corn List put Wisconsin's farmers in touch with one another for the purpose of buying and/or selling corn and forage.
Applications are now available for the 2024 Sesquicentennial and Century Farm & Home Award.
Wisconet will provide live weather and soil condition updates every 5 minutes. They aim to install 75 new stations by 2026.
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| Will Fulwider
Regional Crops Educator - Dane and Dodge County Extension
Email: l Ph: 608 220 3577
Alison Pfau
Bilingual Regional Dairy Educator - Dane, Dodge, Jefferson, Rock & Walworth County Extension
Email: | Ph: 970 402 9710
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| To insure equal access, please contact the Extension office if you require accommodations to read this newsletter in another format. Please make requests to the Extension office for reasonable accommodations for Extension-sponsored educational programs as early as possible preceding the scheduled program, service or activity. An EEO/AA employer, Uiversity of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act requirements.
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*You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website, field day, or educational program from Dodge County Extension.
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