October 14, 2020

Career Navigator News is a biweekly newsletter from your Career Navigators, MaryAnne Smith and Nick Wobig.

Manufacturing Event: October
National Manufacturing Day is October 2, 2020. Typically celebrated the first week of October with student field trips to manufacturing companies for on-site tours, this year’s event is available online. Teachers and their classes are able to learn about at least 15 local and regional manufacturing companies through pre-recorded tours and interviews that have been placed into the FutureForward™ web-based portal.

“Students love it. They appreciate the change in pace and engagement,” says Nigel Smith, Industrial Technology teacher at La Crescent-Hokah. Educators and students can participate throughout October. Contact MaryAnne for help in registering for this free event! Smith and his class are looking forward to another week of exploring manufacturing careers. 

Manufacturing is among the strongest sectors of Minnesota’s economy, contributing over $52 billion to the state economy and accounting for almost 15% of the state’s private gross domestic product. According to the Department of Employment and Economic Development, it is the second largest industry in the region, behind health care and social assistance.

More Businesses Join FutureForward

As we continue to meet with Chambers of Commerce and EDA teams throughout the BCC, it is becoming clearer and clearer that an "all-in" community approach is necessary to help get our students the information they desire for career connected learning. To our members of chambers and EDAs, we ask that you assist in contacting and encouraging the businesses in your communities to sign up or reach out to Nick for more information. For those who have not heard, we are offering to film, edit, and produce educational and promotional videos for businesses at absolutely no cost. 

Free College Application

Fall is a great time to explore Minnesota State and learn more about your 37 state colleges and universities. Students can save $20. Apply to Minnesota State Colleges for free during College Knowledge Month! 

Resources to Share
Job-Alike Meetings - October dates
Connect with teachers from our region who share your subject! These meetings are scheduled outside the school day. Attendees may be eligible for $50 stipend from Perkins.
Oct 20, 4-5pm - Agriculture and Industrial Technology, Dr. Zach Sheehan and Tim Barrett (MDE)

Training on Poverty - October 22 and November 19
Learn about the impact of poverty on student success and what can be done to support students experiencing poverty. This is a two-day training, held virtually. October 22 and November 19. Grant dollars can reimburse schools for sub costs (if applicable).

Email Brian Cashman for more information and to register: bcashman@gced.k12.mn.us

STEM Forward Virtual Fall Educator Forum - November 4
Join us for an amazing peer-to-peer learning opportunity that highlights STEM lessons and activities taking place in our classrooms and in hybrid/distance learning environments in southeast Minnesota that you can replicate immediately! This Fall's Educator Forum will be taking place virtually via Zoom, on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, from 4:30 to 8:00pm. There is no charge for STEM Forward members to participate in this event. Click here to register
Contact Your Career Navigators: 
MaryAnne Smith &
Nick Wobig
We are very excited to have things rolling and look forward to what we can achieve as a collaborative. 
Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at any time.

Thank you all, 
MaryAnne Smith: 507-251-4388
Nick Wobig: 507-273-9661
Please know that if you opt out of these communications, you will no longer receive any emails from SSC.
October - Job Alike Meetings
10/20 - Ag and Industrial Tech (See the article under Resources for more info)
October - choose a week!
Manufacturing week is available throughout October (email MaryAnne to register)
October 22 & November 19
SE MN Perkins Consortia Poverty Training (email Brian Cashman to register)
October 23
Articulation - Ag/Ind. Tech Education (Automotive Construction)
October 23
 Articulation - Ag/Ind. Tech Education (Architecture & Construction)
October 27
Work-Based Learning Job-Alike Meeting
October 29
 “IT Exploration” free curriculum & training
November 1
CTE Program Approvals due (Program approvals to be sent to MDE)
November 3
CTE Works! Summit
November 4
STEM Forward Educator Forum

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