The earth is the Lord's and everything in it...
The earth is the Lord's and everything in it...
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Tallowood Times | Remember Tallowood Tomorrow
Dear Community of Joy "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it." In this beautiful Psalm David reminds us that the Lord of heaven and earth is the owner of all things. Again and again the scripture tells us he cares for all the people of the earth. "For God so loved the world..." The same God who loves every person in the world has asked us to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth and to make disciples of all nations. When people ask me what I love about our great city, I tell them, "The world has come to Houston". A Rice University study revealed that Houston is the most diverse city in the United States. How do we minister in this diverse city? And how will the believers from around the world bless Tallowood as they begin to share life with us? The relationship is a partnership. We have much to learn from one another.

Our 2020 report included a powerful challenge to intentionally engage the international community. Tallowood has been loving our international friends for years. Eddy Hallock, our Minister of Missions, reminds us that we are all internationals. So how do we grow in our multicultural ministry as a body of believers? In recent months God has brought a beautiful infusion of people to Houston and Tallowood from the Congo. These new brothers and sisters in Christ have come to us with great joy. A number of them served as pastors in their homeland and in refugee camps in various countries. A number of you accepted our call in our last "Worship in Action" emphasis to pray for these families. I have enjoyed watching our members meet the people for whom they had been praying.

I am most grateful that our new members have been praying for us. In a recent prayer meeting for peace on a Wednesday night, Pirachel, a pastor whose family members suffered greatly before they were welcomed into the United States, prayed for us and for peace in our world. One needs only to attend a prayer meeting with my pastor friend to discover that prayer for him is not a form, but a force! He and others in the Congolese community have told me that God has told them to pray for Tallowood because he wants to do something great among us. Last Sunday Alexis and Yvonne Mutabazi dedicated their baby Christina to the Lord here at Tallowood. Alexis joined us in our recent Disciple Making Workshop. Already God is blessing Tallowood through our new members.

We are blessed to be a blessing. So how can we bless our new members? Many of them are looking for better jobs to support their families. They have great gifts and skills which they used in their own countries before they were forced out by civil war. Think of ways we can help them find the right places to use their gifts in the United States. We have the privilege of sharing life with these friends. Some of the students need to be tutored. Already many of our members are helping with tutoring. We need special help with math if you have a gift in that area. What an exciting time in the life of our city. What an exciting time to be a part of the body of Christ called Tallowood!

For the Joy of All Nations through Christ,


Fall Devotions from the Pastor

Join Dr. Brooks in a study of Amos. Amos' life mostly consisted of tending sheep and sycamore fig trees. He was not a rabble rouser, or a trouble maker. Nor did he descend from a long line of preachers. But one day God tapped him on the shoulder and gave him a vision of the destruction of Israel, his neighbor to the north. And when Amos saw the vision, he did not disobey. When God sent Amos, he went. What is God telling us to do? Will we do it? Sign up at if you are not already receiving the daily devotionals in your email.
Middle School Retreat 2014, September 26-27

Middle School Retreat is the perfect place to meet with God and friends. We head out on Friday, September 26 to go to Stoney Creek Ranch for worship, games, bonfire, and free time in their water hole that includes a blob, ropes, and other fun. We are using Life in 6 Words by Dare 2 Share. Our hope for this weekend is for your student to better understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will return on Saturday, September 27 around dinner time. More details and registration at .
Israel 2015

The Lord willing, we will be taking our 11-12th grade students, parents, family members and any other person that would like to go with us, during the Spring Breaks in March 2015. Because of the interest, we are planning back to back trips, March 6-15 and March 13-22, 2015. We will be having an interest meeting, Sunday evening, September 28, following the evening service, in the Chapel Reception Hall. Our guide for the trips, Hannaniah Pinto, will be present at that meeting to talk about the details of the trip and answer questions potential participants may have. Trip details are at or you may contact the student ministry office at 713.468.8241, ext. 8165 and request a brochure.

September Events for 55+

Afternoon at the Movies:
Friday, September 19, 1:30 p.m. in ET300. This month's movie is Son of God . No registration required.

Lunch & Learn:
Thursday, September 25, 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall East. This month's topic is "2020--Catch the Vision" with Ann Bradshaw. Cost is $5, payable at the door. Registration is required. Register at or contact Barbie Batura at or 713.468.8241, ext. 8147.

New Prayer Team Opportunity

The Prayer Ministry is looking for men and women who have a heart to minister to others to join a Prayer Team that will be trained to personally pray over others who would like someone to pray with them following the worship services. Prayer Team members need to be available to participate one Sunday a month for 15 minutes immediately following the end of one of the worship services. There are openings on the team for the Saturday night service as well as both Sunday morning services. The Prayer Ministry Committee has been dreaming, planning, and praying for this team for many months and is excited to see how God will use these men and women to impact people's lives for His Glory! Please contact Rebecca Drew to apply for this exciting opportunity at or 713.468.8241, ext.8154.
Breaking the Silence: Funeral Planning and the Church

The Tallowood Foundation is sponsoring this forum on September 20 in Fellowship Hall East, 10:00-11:45 a.m., led by Larry Bertrand. A complimentary continental breakfast will be provided. Please RSVP to Barbie Batura at 713.468.8241, ext. 8147 or register at .

Culinary Ministry

Wednesday Night Menus :
Starting at 4:45 p.m. in Fellowship Hall East
$7.00 adults / $3.00 child

Sept. 17: Swiss Steak or Southern Fried Chicken
Sept. 24: Tilapia Scampi or Teriyaki Chicken Thighs

Tuesday Lunch Menus:
Starting at 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall East

Sept. 16: Smoked Pork Loin or Balsamic Chicken
Sept. 23: Braised Beef Tips or Parmigiano Herb Chicken

June, July and August 2014 Library Contributions

In Memory of Billy L. Brackeen
Church History in Plain Language by Bruce L. Shelly
Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus by Joachim Jeremias

In Memory of Joyce Attaway Davidson
Seven by Jen Hatmaker
Mothers of the Bible Speak to the Mothers of Today by Kathi Macias

In Memory of Waldo Hill
Walking on Water by Richard Paul Evans

In Memory of Dorris Hughes
Best Friends by W. Awdry
Usborne Book of Fairy Tales by Stephen Cartwright
Old Bear by Jane Hissey
Young Pioneers in Texas by Betsy Warren
A Time for Everything by Susie Poole

In Memory of Audie Ingalls
Beyond Me by Kathi Macias
Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones

In Memory of Tom Miller
The Walk by Richard Paul Evans
Couples Who Pray by Squire Rushnell
Couples Who Pray - Study Guide by Squire Rushnell

In Memory of John Michael Moore
The Auschwitz Escape by Joel Rosenberg

In Memory of John Nash
Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker

In Memory of Dorothy Reed
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
Slatwalls for the Library
The Deliverer by Kathi Macias
Rachel Saint by Janet and Geoff Benge

In Memory of Ruth Williams
Red Ink by Kathi Macias
Special Delivery by Kathi Macias

On-Call Weekends

When emergencies occur, the staff uses an "on-call" system for the weekends. To reach them, call 713.724.3704.

September Committee of Committees, Church Business Meeting and 2014-2015 Budget Open Forum

The Committee of Committees will meet on Sunday, September 21 at 4:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall West. The Church Business Conference and 2014-2015 Budget Open Forum will be on Sunday, September 21 at 4:30 p.m. in the Worship Center.

Annual Meeting of Texas Baptists

November 16-18, 2014
Waco Convention Center

If you would like to represent Tallowood as a Messenger, please contact Cindy Lutz at ext. 8131. For more information, visit .

Urgent Need

Workers in Preschool Choirs on Wednesday nights. Contact Susie Low at .

Kingdom Basketball Registration Opens October 1

Pre-K thru 9th grade girls and boys learn basketball and play with church, school and neighborhood friends! Games are in January and February. Register online at or turn in a registration form and fee at the Church office. For more information, contact Dick Fenn at 281.660.5078 or .
Divorce Care

DivorceCare is a 13-week seminar that meets weekly to help people facing divorce to confront the challenges and move toward rebuilding their lives. The program will include weekly videos featuring top experts on divorce and recovery. Sessions will begin on September 17, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in ET 204. Childcare available upon request only.
Grief Share

GriefShare is a 13-week video series featuring Christian experts and an interactive group-sharing time for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Meetings begin on Monday, September 22, from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m. in the Fireplace Room. Register to join by calling the church office 713.468.8241, ext. 8134.

Super Saturday

We will be hosting the next Super Saturday on October 4 at Burnett Bayland Home (6500 Chimney Rock, Houston, TX 77081). To register for this program of music, prayers, and testimonies, contact Debra Hogue in the Missions office at .

Homeschool Childcare Volunteers Needed

We are looking for a few volunteers to help homeschool moms attend Bible studies on Tuesday mornings. Presently they take turns watching each other's children and going to class. If you have a heart for these women and their children, contact Julie Dingman at or 713.468.8241, ext. 8186.
Seafarers' Christmas Boxes

Please bring your women's shoe boxes to the church reception desk as soon as possible and start looking for specials on men's full size personal care products such as shampoo, toothpaste, and deodorant. The collection boxes will be out starting October 5. Plan to help us pack and wrap on Saturday, October 25! Questions? Contact Charlotte Mitchell through the Missions Office.

2014 Fall Women's Bible Studies Have Started

If you haven't joined a class, check out our website and find a class that fits today. We would love for you to join us. Classes meet Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, as well as Wednesday nights. Register at .

Save the Date!

2014 Women's Fall Banquet is Nov. 18.

Donate the Gift of Life

The next blood drive will be held in the gym on October 5. Sign ups will begin September 21. Please consider giving the gift of life this year.

August 31: Rajesh Chikatla


Dave Lafferty on the death of his father
Jay Smyre on the death of his mother
Russ Eichelberger on the death of his mother
The family of Margaret Morrison
Carolyn Beall on the death of her sister
The family of Mary Yang

Jason and Ashley Bartlein on the birth of Jackson William on September 8. Jackson weighed 8.5 lbs. Ashley serves on the Tallowood staff as the Calendar Coordinator and Prayer Ministry Assistant.

for September 7 - 4,431

Aug. 30 - 115; Sept. 6 - 113

Aug. 31 - 1,406; Sept. 7 - 1,508
Aug. 31 - 312; Sept. 6/7 - 289
Aug. 30/31 - 1,833
Sept. 6/7 - 1,910


Budget, Oct. 2013 - Sept. 2014: $8,953,416
Dec. Requirements (15% budget): $1,343,012
Budget Requirements YTD: $8,477,766
Receipts Fiscal YTD: $8,361,285
Fiscal YTD Budget Excess/(Deficit): ($116,481)

Budget Receipts:
8/31/14 - $129,698
9/7/14 - $186,669

Requirements (weekly): $158,550

8/31/14 - ($28,852)
9/7/14 - $28,119

Debt Balance 8/13/2014: $590,410
Debt Retired thru 9/3/2014: $58,571
Debt Balance 9/3/2014: $531,839

August 30 & 31, 2014
Aurora Howe - PF

PF = Profession of Faith

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