8 days left to get our sleigh to $60k!
8 days left to get our sleigh to $60k!

Give students significance through Young Life College

"Through meals, we are able to find significance of Jesus in our everyday lives."
- AJ Larson, YLC Student Leader at UMN
"Significance in Jesus is not just meant for us...it's meant for others as well. We want to bring in others."
- Matt Brennan, YLC Student Leader at UMN
Michael & Jill Nelson, alumni serving on YLC-TC Committee

Significance That Lasts

YLC served as the primary avenue for us to come into faith in Jesus Christ as young adults. It provided the environment and relationships, with mentors and peers, that helped us grow in our faith during the pivotal transition time of college.
YLC in action was everything from intentional bible studies, amazing weekend getaways to Castaway, and leaders helping us out when we needed a lift to the grocery store or even getting the car out of the impound lo
If it weren’t for YLC, we wouldn’t have even met, but more importantly, we wouldn’t have had the environment to truly continue to deepen our faith that is so foundational to who we are today.

12 Days of Giving

Jump on our sleigh to $60k!


12 People Have Given So Far...

...in just 4 days, a total of $8459!
Who is going to be the next?!
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Look for our next email on Day 7, December 7th!

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