Sterling College Prayer Warrior
Sterling College Prayer Warrior
July 2024 
July 1
Start the month of July by praying for President Scott Rich. Pray for his family, his service to Sterling College, and his walk with Christ.

July 2
Please pray for the fall 2024 student enrollment. Ask the Lord to move in the hearts and minds of students who have yet to make their college commitment and for current SC students to return to the college this fall in large numbers.

July 3
Today, ask the Lord to bring you peace (shalom) and rest (nuahk) in your mind, heart, body, and soul.

July 4
Happy Independence Day! Take some time to read II Chronicles 7:14.

July 5
Fiscal year 2025 for Sterling College began on July 1. Ask the Lord to provide all the financial needs for the college this year (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025). Ask the Lord to provide new, faithful, and engaged supporters of the work and mission of the college. Also, thank the Lord for all those who have steadfastly blessed the college with their time, talent, and treasure.

July 6
Recruitment of students for this fall, and for the fall of 2025, continues. Ask the Lord to bless all those who recruit students to find great value and success in their work.

July 7
Scripture focus: Mark 8:36 "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?"

July 8
Today and tomorrow the Advancement/Alumni team is meeting off campus in Hutchinson for their annual planning retreat for the new fiscal year. Ask that the Lord would give them wisdom and discernment as they plan out the entire year's priorities and set goals for the year.

July 9
Pray for our students and their families struggling with financial stress while they figure out a way to return to school.

July 10
Today please pray for new employees that will be onboarding during July. 

July 11
Pray for Renee Dodson, Executive Assistant for the Office of Academic Affairs & President's Office, as she travels to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota today. Pray for safe travels and for great wisdom for the medical teams that are working with Renee.

July 12
Many departments on campus are undergoing a transition to a new, updated computer program. This transition is very time consuming. Pray for patience, smooth processes, wisdom, and great success.

July 13
Ask the Lord to bless the campus and surrounding area with the right amount of rain this summer.

July 14
Scripture focus: Psalm 19:1-2 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge."

July 15
Pray for the Sterling College facilities and housekeeping team as they diligently work to repair, clean, and update our campus in preparation for the student's return next month.

July 16
Today is Board of Trustee member and class of 1999 grad, Jason West's, birthday. Thank God for Jason and ask the Lord to deeply and richly bless him.

July 17
Pray that the hearts and minds of college seeking students are turned towards Sterling College. Ask the Lord to bless SC to achieve or exceed all recruitment goals.

July 18
Pray for a deep unity throughout the Sterling College family. May faculty, students, staff, administration, alumni, and friends be of one accord.

July 19
Today is President Scott Rich's birthday. Lift Scott up in prayer on his special day.

July 20
Pray for Parker Folks, Resident Director of Kilbourn Hall. Ask the Lord to bless Parker with a very successful year as he leads, encourages, and impacts the lives of all the Kilbourn Hall residents.

July 21
Scripture focus: Psalm 46:10 "“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” 

July 22
Pray that Sterling alumni will find opportunities to refer and recruit students who would benefit from attending Sterling.

July 23
The college is looking for 100 new donors who will commit to giving $100 per month. This would have a significant and positive impact for Sterling College. Pray for new donors to be moved by the Holy Spirit to include Sterling College in their monthly or annual giving.

July 24
Pray for our Sterling College Online Learning program. Pray for the program’s growth as students across the United States, working full-time and part-time jobs, work to earn their degrees.

July 25
Pray for SC students as their summer break winds down and they begin to gear up for the new academic year. The first day of classes is August 21 with many students returning to campus in just a couple weeks.

July 26
Pray for all SC employees who are "on the road" recruiting, engaging alumni and friends, and raising the needed fund to continue the work and mission of Sterling College.

July 27
We are thankful for YOU, our Prayer Warriors, who consistently lift us up in prayer! May the Lord deeply and richly bless you!

July 28
Scripture focus: Proverbs 15:1 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

July 29
Homecoming is scheduled for September 26 - 28. Pray that all the plans and every detail come together smoothly for those involved in the preparations.

July 30
Pray for Jason Briar, Jordan Waite, and the entire Student Life staff as the finalize plans for the upcoming school year and the arrival of students that will begin returning to campus in the next few days.

July 31
As the month of July comes to an end, simply thank God for His faithfulness, love, and free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
2024-25 Verse of the Year:  I Corinthians 15:58 – 58 "So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” (NLT)

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