Join us online from 6-7pm CST to celebrate our exhibit & our 15th year
Join us online from 6-7pm CST to celebrate our exhibit & our 15th year
Dear Friend, 
Banner image for The Art of We: ReFocus. Text: Celebrate with us at our Annual Fundraiser & Photo Exhibit Opening!

See you tonight!

Join us for The Art of We: Re•Focus online tonight at 6-7pm CST to celebrate each other, our disability community, and our 15th year of working at the intersection of art, disability, and learning. RSVP by 2pm CST today to get a link for tonight's event delivered directly to your inbox, otherwise watch our homepage for the "doors" to open by 5:30pm CST.
RSVP now

Today through May 11:
Double your impact with new Matching Grant!

This spring, we're raising $35,000 to expand our open to the public self-advocacy classes, so that we can meet the unprecedented demand we've seen since the pandemic began. Thanks to the generous support of the MaryAnn Lippay and Stephen Kanee Family Fund, all contributions between now and May 11th will be matched up to $10,000! Invest any amount to support members of our disability community on their journey of self-development.
Double my impact

Let your rainbow show

Show your support of Upstream Arts and our Re•Focus photo exhibit with this digital party favor: a rainbow-tastic facebook filter designed by our own Rachel Robison! 
How to use:
1) Click on your facebook profile pic and select "Update Photo"
2) Click on the tab that says "Select Frame" top right
3) In the search bar, type "Upstream Arts ReFocus" and the frame will be applied!
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