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Saving the Lives of Veterans and First Responders with PTSD
January 2019  
Start off your 2019 with donations to New Life K9s!
Help save the lives of Veterans and First Responders with PTSD, and also help support the rehabilitation of inmates who teach our future service dogs!
Donate on Facebook Today!
Donate on our Website Today!
Send a check in the mail to: PO Box 4412, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403

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Our Newest Puppies

We are excited to announce the two additions to our team, Hana and Ned! Both of our new puppies have some pretty special names. Hana, which is the Hawaiian word for "service", was named in honor of our founders amazing dedication to service, and Ned got his title passed down to him from a U.S. veteran. Make sure to follow and support Hana and Ned on their journeys to becoming service dogs! 
Our Dogs

This month marked the graduation ceremony of two of our dogs, Toby and Sonny, who are going on to become service dogs!

In a newsletter produced by the CTF team, some of the members shared memories and heartfelt words before passing on the graduates to their veterans. 

"Sonny's given me the chance to be a parent: to be his dad, his mom, and friend. He's helped me understand that there is hope for me outside of prison." 
             - Rob 

"Both of these dogs have touched my life in their own way. Toby has a way of looking at you and making you smile, and his hugs are unbeatable."
             - Dennis

"I know I was supposed to show Sonny how to have confidence, but he's given me confidence...with Sonny I opened up more and he taught me how to show emotion to help him."
             - Tony

Check out more stories from our inmates and recent graduates by clicking the links below.

Our Graduates
Inmate Impact
Apply for a Service Dog

Spread the word! Talk to the veterans and first responders in your lives and let them know that they can apply for a service dog or warrior support dog!

Follow the link below to find out more information on how to apply.
Apply for a dog

Our January Thank You!

Thank you to all of you! This month has been a great start to the new year. We are so grateful for your support in helping us achieve our mission of saving lives. We are so very thankful to the donors that make everything we do possible!
Donate Today!

New Life K9s

Saving Lives through the Healing Power of the Human-Canine Bond

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Branch of Son Care Foundation, Inc.

PO Box 4412

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403

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