What's new & what's next for SHARE
What's new & what's next for SHARE

SHARE Update
    September 2014
Center for Open Science photo (link to COS)
image © COS
What’s New?
COS Update on SHARE Notification Service Development
The Center for Open Science (COS) has completed the first set of objectives for the SHARE Notification Service prototype. This initial prototype includes content from PLOS, UC eScholarship, DOE PAGES, VTechWorks, ClinicalTrials.gov, PubMed Central, arXiv, DigitalCommons@WayneState, CrossRef, DOE SciTech, and DataONE. As a first step in distribution of the notifications, the results are available via RSS feed.
Focus now turns to expanding the prototype, researching the most effective means of distributing notifications, and considering refinements to the metadata we are capturing. The COS team also looks forward to meeting many of you at the SHARE 2014 Fall Meeting, where they will present progress to date and give attendees a chance to dig into some of the details of the prototype implementation.
SHARE Launches Brand Identity
SHARE has unveiled a logo and brand that reflects the initiative’s values and goals to make the inventory of research assets more discoverable and more accessible, and to enable the research community to build upon these assets in creative and productive ways. The SHARE logo consists of an open infinity symbol bracketed by wireless signal waves, underscored by the name “SHARE” in hand-drawn letters. The open infinity symbol connotes the boundless possibilities being opened up by SHARE. The shape may suggest preservation, as well, since the icon for acid-free paper is a circled infinity symbol. The infinity symbol can also be read as a letter “s” for SHARE. The wireless icon suggests connectivity and information sharing, with the signal growing stronger as it emanates from SHARE.
The SHARE colors of blue and gray inspire trust and confidence, and these bright shades of blue paired with white suggest energy and optimism. Similar color palettes are popular choices for IT and social media brands, which align with SHARE’s essential role in sharing information via technology and engendering community participation.
SHARE engaged the design and marketing firm Fearless Future to develop this logo and brand.
Clifford Lynch Discusses SHARE in Information Standards Quarterly
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has published a special issue of Information Standards Quarterly (ISQ) on open access infrastructure. Guest edited by Liam Earney of Jisc, the issue features articles from a variety of perspectives, including publishers, universities, and open access experts.
Clifford Lynch, executive director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) and a member of the SHARE Steering Group, contributed an article on “The Need for Research Data Inventories and the Vision for SHARE” (PDF). In his piece, Lynch describes the potential role of SHARE in the overall framework of managing research data. Lynch notes:
[G]reat opportunities exist to improve the pace and effectiveness of scholarly inquiry broadly if relevant data can be discovered, reused, recombined, and re-purposed in creative ways…With the broad adoption of these ideas, it has become clear that the research and higher education community needs to better understand and manage the research outputs that it produces…SHARE is leading the implementation effort. (p. 29)
Sunrise over DC
image © Katie Harbath 
What’s Next?
SHARE Stakeholders to Convene in Crystal City, Virginia
Nearly 60 people are registered for the SHARE 2014 Fall Meeting at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, just outside Washington, DC, on October 13–14. Participants include members of SHAREs Steering Group and four Working Groups, representatives from organizations that are part of the Notification Service prototype, and members of the Center for Open Science (COS) team that is building the Notification Service. Discussion sessions will focus on international interoperability, new service opportunities for digital repositories, and new developments in data sharing, publishing, and archiving. This meeting is made possible through generous grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. We will be live-tweeting the sessions (hashtag #SHARE14f) and making any slide presentations available after the meeting at www.arl.org/share.
Upcoming SHARE Presentations
We are pleased to engage with the community at a number of upcoming forums to discuss SHARE. We hope to meet you, discuss our vision and progress, and get your input at the following events:
In addition, SHARE will be the focus of a three-part DuraSpace Hot Topics Webinar Series beginning November 13. More on this event in the next newsletter.
Learn More
As always, there is a wealth of resources at your disposal to help you better comprehend and communicate the ins and outs of SHARE, including:
  • SHARE Knowledge Base — provides short, non-technical answers to key SHARE questions ranging from “Who is behind SHARE?” to “What is SHARE doing about data?” If you or someone on your campus has a practical or conceptual question about SHARE, the Knowledge Base is likely to have your answer.

  • EDUCAUSE Review article on SHARE — Tyler Walters and Judy Ruttenberg describe SHARE’s first project, the SHARE Notification Service, as well as the other three layers of SHARE that will be developed in tandem with the Notification Service: a distributed content and registry layer, a discovery layer, and a content-aggregation layer that moves beyond curation and discovery to facilitate data and text mining.

  • SHARE Notification Service Project Plan (PDF) — details the first in a series of activities to be undertaken by SHARE to ensure that scholarly research outputs are discovered and built upon in a manner that facilitates and accelerates the research process.

  • SHARE on GitHub — Technical developments pertaining to the SHARE Notification Service are discussed and tracked in real time via GitHub. The SHARE GitHub site includes a list of active notification sources and consumers, as well as information regarding prototypes, APIs, and other key issues. The site is open and welcomes public input.

  • Supporting Organizations — SHARE is a higher education and research community initiative to ensure the preservation of, access to, and reuse of research outputs. We are pleased that a wide array of stakeholders, including recent additions the Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI) and the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), endorse these goals. If you would like to add your organization to this list, please e-mail share@arl.org.
The SHARE Notification Service is being developed with the generous support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
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