Celebrate milestones with your St. Luke's family!
Celebrate milestones with your St. Luke's family!
The monthly "St. Luke's Celebrates" newsletter
helps St. Lukers connect to one another
as we navigate life together. 
We wish a very Happy Birthday to all our St. Lukers!
Join us in celebrating everyone who has a birthday this month.  
St. Luke’s welcomed three new baptized members to our church family during the months of August and September!
Please surround these newest baptized members and their families with love, support, prayers, and care.
Below are the precious photos of our newest baptized members.
Welcome to our St. Luke’s family! 
Harrison James Romoser
Harrison is the son of Rachel and Lucas Romoser, and the younger brother of Emma. He was baptized on August 20.
Christian William Boyd
Christian is the son of Kelly Jackson and Christian Boyd. He was baptized on August 20. 
Ethan Thomas Smith
Ethan is the son of Katie Kretchmar Smith and Rodney Smith and the younger brother of Annabelle. He was baptized on September 10. 
We appreciate the faithful commitment St. Lukers make to the church's ministries.
Join us in celebrating everyone who has a church Partnership anniversary this month.
Congratulations to Jacob Ohrberg and Hai Anh Nguyen who were married on August 13 in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Jacob is the son of St. Lukers Jim and Julie Ohrberg. The wedding was also attended by all four of Jacob’s grandparents: Mike and Emily Dorman, and Chuck and Melanie Ohrberg.
Raised in the St. Luke’s family, Jacob was baptized and confirmed by Pastor Bill Barnes.
Jacob and Hai Anh are residents of Tokyo, Japan.
Drive it Forward with a Life-impacting Gift
A staggering 45% of families living in poverty experience severe barriers due to inadequate public transportation (only 300 Lynx buses for Orange County) and unreliable cars.
In a beautiful act of loving thy neighbor, a St. Luke's family has donated a car through the Drive it Forward Car Ministry to one of our Restoring Hope families. This means the single mom now can increase her income through a second part-time job, can make her dream of finding a full-time job a reality, avoid eviction, and keep her children in the school they love and are thriving in.
Please join us in celebrating this wonderful gift, generosity, and the life-altering impact it will have.
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