Trachtenberg School Newsletter
Robotic Rulemaking Podcast

GW Regulatory Studies Center's Senior Policy Analyst Mark Febrizio and former Regulatory Studies Research Faculty Member Bridget Dooling are featured on The Lawfare Podcast to discuss their recent Brookings Institution report and their opinions on how the regulatory state should handle AI. 
Hong Kong Housing Research Funded
Shanty housing in Hong Kong

Congratulations to TSPPPA PhD student Jingwen Zheng who has been awarded a Sigur Center Summer Research Grant for fieldwork. Jingwen is also a “Cosmos Scholar” and recipient of the “Neilom Foundation Award in Technology and Society."
Jingwen specializes in program/policy evaluation and urban economics. Specifically, she is currently working on examining slum clearance, public housing and zoning policies in Hong Kong. She also carries out research projects that analyze which observation study designs routinely produce causal estimates that approximate experimental estimates.
Congratulations to the Trachtenberg 2023 Graduates!
2023 PhD Graduates and Guests at the TSPPPA PhD Hooding Celebration
2023 PhD Graduates and Guests at the TSPPPA PhD Hooding Celebration

TSPPPA is proud to welcome our newest graduates to the alumni community. Included among the GW Class of 2023 are our MPA, MPP, MA degree holders, and the 2023 TSPPPA doctorate holders listed below with titles of their dissertations: 
  • Michael DidomenicoThree Studies Testing the Effectiveness of Communications on Increasing FAFSA Completion
  • Danielle GilmoreExamining the Role of Education and Health in Improving Academic Success Among African American Populations
  • Lauryn KingCompliance, Contraception, and Care: The Objectives and Impacts of the 2019 Title X Rule Change
  • Leslie Kwan, Addressing Social Determinants of Maternal and Infant Health: State Policy Strategies to Improve Population Health and Reduce Racial Disparities
  • Gabriel RoyalThree Essays on Bitcoin, Energy, and Digital Asset Public Policy
  • Madison Sampson, It's Depressing in Here: An Exploration of Racialization Processes and Trauma Manifestation among Families Experiencing Homelessness
Nuancing Poverty, Discrimination, Race Plus Gender 

Trachtenberg Assistant Professor Eiko Strader's research may result in "the most complete analysis of poverty-risks and links to institutional discrimination throughout all LGBT groups." This Pride Month, read more about Strader's research that will disentangle "the ties between economic well-being and sexual orientation and gender identity."
Faculty Spotlights
The Trachtenberg School is delighted to announce that Aram Gavoor has joined us as a courtesy faculty member. He is an associate dean at the GW Law school and an internationally recognized scholar in American administrative law, national security, and federal courts. 
Media and Publications
Director, GW Regulatory Studies Center & Distinguished Professor of Practice Susan Dudley was quoted in the Kansas City Star article, "From gas stoves to prairie chickens, Missouri Republican declares a war on federal regulators."
Amsterdam Professor of Public Service and Economics and Director of the PhD Program Burt Barnow's paper, co-authored with PhD alumna Ellen Kurtzman, "Differences in the Patterns of Care Between Emergency Department Visits with and without a Physician," was published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine

Professorial Lecturer Richard Kahlenberg co-authored the Time Magazine article, "Why It's Time for Legacy College Admissions to Go." He was also a guest on the National Affairs Podcast discussing “A Class-based Approach to College Admissions" and the Slate podcast, "The Liberal Case Against Affirmative Action."
Professor and Director of the Center for Health Policy Research Leighton Ku was quoted in the Bloomberg Law article, “States Push to Expand Medicaid to Undocumented Immigrants."
Professorial Lecturer F. Stevens Redburn was quoted in the Government Executive article, "Some Feds Fear They Might Not Get That Pay Raise Now That the Debt Deal is Inked."
Part-Time Faculty Member Ben Simon published the article, "Dual Taxation - Unbalanced and Arbitrary" in the American Indian Law Journal.
A chapter from Professor of Nonprofit Management Michael Worth's book, Fundraising: Principles and Practice, was included in a new volume of collected classic works entitled The Fundraising Reader.
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