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Chalk the Walk, Meet Sharon Massey, Discover Distinguished Alumni
Chalk the Walk, Meet Sharon Massey, Discover Distinguished Alumni
Express yourself through chalk in sidewalk commentary contest; hear how jewelry and metals attracted artist Sharon Massey; learn about IUP’s latest Distinguished Alumni; and more
Bringing New Zealand Composers to the World
New Zealand composers have a globetrotting champion in Henry Wong Doe. The music professor has premiered new works from his native country all the way from London to New York to Singapore and beyond. He has also featured work by New Zealanders on four of his seven released albums.
His latest project, Perspectives, commissioned six New Zealand composers to write short piano pieces that reflect their experiences through the pandemic. Those new works will have their world premiere on April 28 at 7:30 p.m. in IUP’s Gorell Recital Hall as part of a concert that will be streamed worldwide.
Watch the above video, Bringing New Zealand Composers to the World, to learn more about the project and about Wong Doe as a performer and educator. And don’t miss his full performance of “Arapatiki,” a composition by New Zealander Gillian Whitehead.
Express yourself through chalk drawings on the Oak Grove sidewalks on Wednesday, April 26, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Participation in this annual contest is free; chalk is provided. Cash prizes will go to the top three entries.
When Sharon Massey was in middle school, she had an art teacher whose passion was obvious. Massey absorbed some of that passion, which led her to a career in the Department of Art and Design, specializing in jewelry and metals. Learn more about her in this week’s installment of Meet Our Faculty. 
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