CFAR Mentored Scientist Award in HIV/AIDS (Main CFAR award program)
- Purpose: Career development and pilot data leading towards research independence
Eligibility: Postdoctoral or clinical fellows (T32 ok!), faculty at the assistant professor or clinical instructor levels (acting ok), and investigators in non-faculty series with a strong plan for becoming independent researchers at UCSF or partner institutes.
- Research mentor required to provide input and guidance on the project in both the application and award phases
- Funding: $50,000 direct for one year
CFAR International Mentored Scientist Award Program in HIV/AIDS
Purpose: Career development and pilot data for international scientists proposing a project in their home country
- Eligibility: Researchers (all levels), post-doctoral fellows, and trainees located in a foreign country
- HIV research mentor from UCSF or UCSF-affiliate required to provide input and guidance on the project in both the application and award phases
- Funding: $30,000 direct for one year
CFAR Pilot Award for Investigators New to HIV
- Purpose: Bring new investigators into HIV research
Eligibility: Assistant or Associate professor level faculty without any prior HIV funding at UCSF or partner institutes
- HIV research mentor required for Assistant Professors; HIV Mentor or collaborator recommended for Associate Professors
- Funding: $50,000 direct for one year
CAPS Research Award: Mentored Science Award
- Purpose: Supports innovative pilot studies in HIV prevention, care and policy research involving social/behavioral issues in some capacity.
Eligibility: Faculty in all series (Ladder Rank, In Residence, Clinical X, Health Science Clinical, Adjunct) in the following ranks (Instructors, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors) are eligible. Appointees to the Professional Research Series and Librarian Series are also eligible. Postdoctoral fellows are eligible, and the period of the grant proposal must be within the time frame of when the postdoctoral fellow is at UCSF.
Research specialists and principal statisticians are also eligible but need a letter from the Division Chief or Department Chair stating the person is working toward independent funding for promotion to the faculty.
- Funding: $50,000 direct for one year.
CAPS Research Award: Innovative Pilot Study (non-mentored)
- Purpose: Supports innovative pilot studies in HIV prevention, care and policy research involving social/behavioral issues in some capacity.
Eligibility: Faculty in all series (Ladder Rank, In Residence, Clinical X, Health Science Clinical, Adjunct) in all ranks (Instructors, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors) are eligible. Appointees to the Professional Research Series and Librarian Series are also eligible. Postdoctoral fellows are also eligible, and the period of the grant proposal must be within the time frame of when the postdoctoral fellow is at UCSF.
Research specialists and principal statisticians are also eligible but need a letter from the Division Chief or Department Chair stating the person is working toward independent funding for promotion to the faculty. Two PIs are able to apply as multiple PIs (MPIs) are welcome to apply and should include a brief leadership plan in line with NIH guidelines. Use the biosketch personal statement to present the MPI leadership plan between the two PIs. A contact PI should be designated.
- Funding: $50,000 direct for one year.
Mentored Scientist Award in Global Health Research
- Purpose: Bring new investigators into HIV research
Eligibility: Early-stage investigators according to standard NIH definitions who are also UCSF Faculty in any series (Ladder Rank, In Residence, Clinical X, Health Science Clinical, Adjunct) with at least >51% faculty appointment in early career ranks (Instructors, Assistant), fellows, post-doctorates, and appointees to the Professional Research Series and the Librarian Series may apply.
- Applicants who are faculty or staff must either be core or affiliate members of IGHS.
- Note: Professional Research Series and Specialist can apply
- Funding: $50,000 direct for one year
Gilead HIV Cure Mentored Scientist Award
- Purpose: Mentor and train early stage investigators in HIV cure research
Eligibility: Postdoctoral or clinical fellows (T32 ok!), and current faculty in all series at the clinical instructor or assistant professor level at UCSF or partner institutes
- Research mentor required
- Funding: $45,000 direct for one year.
We encourage more senior HIV research investigators to consider the Pilot for Established Investigators mechanism, and junior faculty proposing research not eligible for CFAR funding to consider the Pilot for Early Career Investigators mechanism.
Please refer to the RAP website for details about the application process! You can see examples of funded projects on the CFAR website here.
Reminder if you're not ready to submit for this upcoming round - the next round of RAP applications will be due at the end of September!
The CFAR Mentoring Program Hosts Specific Aims Lightning Rounds
Friday, February 14, 2025
3:00-5:00 PM PT
The CFAR Mentoring Program will host a Specific Aims Lightning Rounds on Friday, February 14th, from 3-5PM to prepare for the Spring RAP deadline (3/3/2025) or other grant deadlines (via zoom). ESIs are invited to present their aims or participate as peer reviewers. Both new applications and resubmissions are eligible to participate and receive comments.
There is space for 8 reviews (30 minutes each). To ensure we have appropriate expertise, please sign up to present your grant using the Specific Aims sign up form now or by February 12, 2025, 5PM.
For more information or to RSVP as a peer reviewer, please contact Brenda at
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