SOLVE-CHD Researcher Spotlight July
Dr Sarah Gauci PhD BSc BPsych (Hons)
SOLVE-CHD Associate Research Fellow, Deakin University
Sarah Gauci recently completed her PhD at the Centre of Human Psychopharmacology at Swinburne University of Technology. Her PhD research explored how dietary patterns and cardiometabolic risk factors are related to cognitive performance in middle-aged and older adults. In her current role, she will be focusing on using lifestyle to improve the experience and quality of cardiac rehabilitation for patients with comorbid mental health and cognitive issues. Sarah’s postdoctoral research program will include two research studies that will explore patient experiences and cardiac rehabilitation practitioners’ attitudes and practices around psychosocial wellbeing. Data from these projects will be used to develop a more detailed codesigned intervention focusing on improving patient mental health and cognition during cardiac rehabilitation.
Sarah will present some of her recent research at the CSANZ and ACRA Annual scientific meetings in August.