Twelve vessels featuring Josh's fused cane
Twelve vessels featuring Josh's fused cane
Lattice forms
Grumpy Josh Turned 71 Last Week!
For the past 50 of his 71 years, he has been fascinated with cane and the infinite ways it can be used in glassblowing. Now, "Lattice Forms" is a series of twelve vessels in which Josh has fused his own bundled, stretched, and spiral cane, then blown it with clear, black, New Mexico, or other colored glass. In many pieces, thick walls magnify the sinuous strands and compound the internal reflections.
Lattice Forms
lattice form lattice form
lattice form lattice form
lattice form lattice form
Creating individual cane and the fused patterns used in these pieces requires many weeks of preparation. Here's a glimpse behind the scenes.
 Josh isn't really grumpy... at least not most days. And he'd probably be a lot less grumpy if he could just fly away and not be stuck here with all of us. Alas, he can't. But YOU can! Just hit the handy opt-out button below.
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