Dear Friend,

It hardly seems possible that we are just a few weeks away from Retreat #7 together: The Art and Practice of Spiritual Discernment, February 23–25, 2020. Here are a few reminders for this retreat.

Remember to bring: 
  • Journal and Bible
  • Comfortable walking shoes (and warm clothes!) to enjoy the beautiful grounds at Q Center
  • A question for discernment as Ruth mentioned in her last email

We look forward to seeing you soon! 
The TC15 Team 

Sunday Dinner

We will assemble in the St. Charles Amphitheater at 5:30 PM and begin walking to the dining hall by 5:45 so we are seated in small groups in time to begin sharing by 6:00. We would like conveners for this retreat to act as time-keepers for the dinner time in order to ensure everyone has a chance to share. Sunday dinner reflection questions will be in your folder when you arrive; bring them to dinner to help facilitate discussions. (Conveners, begin with prayer, ask the Holy Spirit to be present, watch the time as each person shares, close with a prayer of thanksgiving.)

Conveners for this retreat are: Bethany Correlli, Whitney Alexander, Phil Jackson, Rachael Boyton, David Bailey, Norm Nickel, BJ Woodworth, Renod Bejjani, Dava Aul, Maris Herndon, Alicia McDowell, Charity McClure, Alayna Brooks, Matt Bush, Richard Baker, Dawn Franceschina, Anne Cody, Kirk Bolen, Nathan McDade, Elizabeth Long, Mary Jean Walton.

Important Certificate Information

If you are working towards the Certificate in Spiritual Transformation and have outstanding papers to turn in, make sure those are emailed to no later than May 29, 2020 (the friday before retreat #8 in order to qualify for the certificate. For more information, please refer to the Missed Retreat and Make up Assignment tab on the TC15 website. 

Extending Your Stay

The Q Center is no longer providing a link to extend your stay but prefers we let them know who needs an extra night. Please reply to this email if you need an extra night on the front or back end of the retreat. You will pay when you check in at Q Center registration.

Community Website

Please remember to check out the TC15 community private website for important information (past emails, required readings and much more). The password is: sacredrhythms15.


Remember, if you will be absent for any or all of the retreat or late for Sunday dinner, email and your small group to let them know so they can be aware of the things going on for you and can hold you in prayer. 
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