Violence Free Colorado's Monthly eNewsletter
Violence Free Colorado's Monthly eNewsletter
News, Upcoming Trainings, Other Resources

May is...

Older Americans Month, with a look at elder abuse and rural communities
Older Americans Month is an opportunity to reflect and recognize the contributions of older adults across the nation. 
Unfortunately, some rhetoric during the COVID-19 health crisis says older people are somehow more expendable and "should" be willing to sacrifice themselves for the economy. 
But how is that fair? And who decides which lives are most valuable, especially in the name of capitalism? 
Ageism during the COVID-19 pandemic is amplified along with other problems facing older Americans right now. Older Americans who are experiencing domestic violence or elder abuse are often overlooked by traditional services that are not designed to support them.
This is especially true in our rural and mountain communities, which are more isolated and tend to have fewer resources - for both health care and domestic violence - than their urban counterparts.
Additionally, older populations - and sometimes, their caregivers - may have more public-facing jobs, and, due to the inability to practice safe social distancing, may be exposed to the virus and experience more health complications. 
A crisis is no excuse to deny dignity and agency to elders. As we work toward new and radical possibilities at Violence Free Colorado, we envision a new social system that value people's presence and contributions to society at every age, over profits and bottom lines. 


Reducing the Impact of Ageism in Victim Services: a 2019 CAIA conference presentation on identifying and overcoming ageism when working with survivors.
Eldercare Locator: a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families.
Network of Care: the Denver Regional Council of Governments serving adults 60 and older, people with disabilities over 18 and their caregivers in Adams, Arapahoe, Clear Creek, Douglas, Gilpin and Jefferson counties, and the cities and counties of Denver and Broomfield.
Aging in Communities of COLORado: a Colorado Health Institute article about the need for  tailored interventions and programs for older adults in communities of color. En Espanol tambien.
State Strategies to Support Older Adults Aging in Place in Rural Areas Toolkit: this toolkit highlights state initiatives to help older rural adults age in place by increasing services that help people remain in their homes, expanding and professionalizing the caregiver workforce, improving transportation access and services, and making delivery system reforms within Medicaid programs.

Coalition Updates

Stacey Smith, Grants and Office Manager

Fundraising Team Update

Giving Tuesday Now is a new global day of giving and unity that takes place on May 5, in addition to the regularly scheduled Giving Tuesday on Dec. 1, 2020 - as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.  
It's not too late to encourage donations on this national day of giving! The Giving Tuesday Now page has a Tools and Resources toolkit that includes social media banners, suggested messaging, templates and fact sheets to share with your audiences.
But remember - donations aren't just about money. Remind your followers to contact you directly to learn more about your needs and assist in other ways - whether it's gathering personal protective equipment for your staff, pro bono expertise, or raising awareness for your cause on social media. 
Check out the Giving Tuesday Now page to learn more ways to get your donors on board!
Donate to Violence Free Colorado
Liz Stuewe, 
Training and TA Manager

Training and TA Update

Did you miss our April Brown Bag webinar, Substance Use and Supporting Survivors? You can find it, along with other recordings, on the Violence Free Colorado YouTube channel! 
May Brown Bag webinar: noon, May 12
Topic: What About, You Know, IT? - Talking With Teens About Sex
Register today
This webinar provides information about the laws governing teens and sexuality, along with a framework to guide youth-serving professionals in addressing sexuality topics with their youth clients. 
From Colorado Department of Human Services, Colorado Sexual Health Initiative (CoSHI):

Zoa P. Schescke, MPA – CoSHI Manager
Anna Wendt – CoSHI Training Specialist
Theo Isoz – CoSHI Training Specialist

Upcoming Trainings

Webinars and Web-Based Trainings

All trainings are Mountain Time

May 6, 11a.m.: Releases of Information During the Pandemic. Presented by the Victim Rights Law Center. Repeats on May 22.
May 13, 11 a.m.: Domestic Violence Treatment Programs for Offenders - Exploring Research and Practice. Presented by the National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative. 
May 13, noon: The Power of Collaboration: How Survivors Benefit when Advocacy and Law Enforcement Work Together. Presented by the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault.
May 18, 1 p.m.: Sexual Violence Against Native Boys and Men. Presented by Red Wind Consulting. 
May 19, 1 p.m.: Serving Veteran Survivors. Presented by the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
May 19, 1 p.m.: Understanding and Addressing Women's Use of Force in Intimate Relationships. Presented by the Battered Women's Justice Project. 
May 29, 11 a.m.: Protecting Minors' Privacy While Working Remotely. Presented by the Victim Rights Law Center.  
Do you have an upcoming training or event that you'd like to share with the Violence Free Colorado community? Post an event on our website calendar!

Resources and Other News

CAIA 2020 is going virtual!
While getting together in Vail this year wasn't an option, CAIA 2020 is coming to you live via Zoom! In the coming days, we'll share more information on registration and available sessions. Stay tuned and thank you for your support!
Interpreting Coronavirus: Technology, Concepts and Environment of Care Adjustments
Language-inclusive services are always a necessity, but especially during a public health crisis.
Interpreting Coronavirus: Technology, Concepts and Environment of Care Adjustments is an online training for interpreters in healthcare assignments during the COVID-19 pandemic. This training is provided by MasterWord at no cost to users as a way to support the very important work of taking care of patients and the community. 
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Statistical Briefing Book Offers Data Snapshot on Teen Dating Violence

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has updated its Statistical Briefing Book to include a new Data Snapshot on teen dating violence.
The Data Snapshot draws on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System to document the trends and characteristics of dating violence reported by high school students.

Developed for OJJDP by the National Center for Juvenile Justice, the research division of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, the Statistical Briefing Book offers easy online access to statistics on a variety of juvenile justice topics.

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