The Dutch Letter
The Dutch Letter
 The Dutch Letter, a Central College alumni newsletter
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Hello Central College alumni, parents and friends! The Central College Dutch Letter keeps you in touch with what’s happening on campus and in our communities. Look for it the second Tuesday of each month. Please pass this along to your Central friends.
Join Us

  • Celebrate the Day With Us at the Hoo-Rah Happy Hour
    4 - 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 10, 2019
    Boat and Moore Rooms, Maytag Student Center
    Free Appetizers and cash bar
  • Green Drinks
    2 - 4 p.m. Sunday, April 28, 2019
    Iowa Taproom - Joliet Room, 215 E. Third St., Des Moines
    RSVP Here!

  • Phi Delta Tau Reunion
    Friday, June 7 - Sunday, June 9, 2019
    Check out the schedule and RSVP Here!
  • Homecoming 2019
    Friday, Sept. 27 - Sunday, Sept. 29
    Save the Date!
Show Your Central Spirit on Hoo-Rah Day,
Wednesday, April 10!
Alumni Profile
Meet Jim Engle '84 
Current Town: Pleasant Hill, Iowa
Education: Major: Business management Minor: Sociology 
About Me: I grew up in Sigourney, Iowa, and graduated from Sigourney High School in 1980 with no idea what I wanted to do. Central's size and proximity to home were important to me. Blending into huge classes on a big campus would not have served me well. My first post-grad job was as an admissions counselor and transfer coordinator at Upper Iowa University in Fayette, Iowa. During this period, I met my future wife, LuAnn, also a native of Sigourney. While in Fayette, I saw a newspaper ad for a new position as a program manager for Main Street in Oskaloosa, Iowa. That was the day my career took a sharp turn. I have been working in the field of downtown development for the past 32 years. 
Department News

Hip Hip Hooray!

Athletic training majors won the Quiz Bowl competition for the state of Iowa. They competed against teams from the other 12 CAATE accredited athletic training programs in the state. Left to right: Whitney Pavlat '14, Natalie Huisman '19, Dallyn Putz '19 and Caitlyn Champ '19.

Sustainability at Central

We have a long tradition of commitment to sustainability at Central College beginning with Central's founding immigrants who began planting trees on the prairie in the 1850s.

Faculty Lecture Series

Central College's Living in Community Faculty Lecture Series will feature Anna Christensen, lecturer of philosophy, on Tuesday, April 16.

On Display at Mills Gallery

Julie McLaughlin's artwork, Facades of Space Once Shared, is on exhibit in the Mills Gallery until April 18. The artist talk and reception will be held at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 11, in the gallery.

Announcing the 2019 Common Read

Academic Affairs, Core Committee and Student Development are pleased to announce "What the Eyes Don't See: A Story of Crisis, Resistance, and Hope in an American City" as the 2019 Common Read for Central College. In her memoir, Mona Hanna-Attisha tells the story of her process of collecting overwhelming scientific evidence of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.
Alumni News
Ben Justman
Beth Druvenga
Ten years after saying their farewells at graduation, friends from the class of '83 held their first reunion weekend. They continued to meet once a year to catch up and remember the old times. Thirty-five years later, their friendships still holding strong, they met again last summer to enjoy one another's company. Left to right: Linda Fahrenwald Ballou '83, Claudia Shinn Jordan '83, Jennifer Trout Patty '83, Joleen Steenhoek Opsal '83 and Veronda Hill Rowe '83
Central Legacy
We are thrilled to count Ruby Ruthanne Rosas, born July 1, 2017, among our growing legacy family. Ruby and parents, Austen and Ashley Ramker Rosas '14 live in Davenport, Iowa. It's clear from this photograph that Ruby is already on her path to Central College. 

Save Taxes by Donating Stocks

When you donate appreciated securities or mutual funds, you can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer while making a big difference for Central College students.
Learn More

Every Picture Tells a Story
We continue to look for names, years and pertinent details about these photos to better
archive events. If you know ANY details about the photographs, please email
Archived Photo 1 Archived Photo 2
Click on archived pictures to enlarge. 

Do You Want to Play?
Random tag day has begun! Congratulations to our second winner, Alexis Lotspeich '18. If you want to play, be sure you are friends with the alumni Facebook page and have commented on at least one of our posts within the past year. Liking a post does not count. When you notice you have been tagged in one of our photos, leave a comment on the post and email your T-shirt size to

Alumni Trivia
Win a T-Shirt
Answer online for a chance to win a Central College T-shirt. The winner's name is drawn from all correct entries received on the date the newsletter was released.  
Congratulations to Kristy Winterberg Huston '00, who responded to the challenge: "Name at least one way you can show your Central pride on Wednesday, April 10." The answer was Wear your favorite Central gear, post on social media about why you love Central using #HoorahDay or make a gift.

Try this Month's Challenge:

Name two ways you can win a free T-shirt from the alumni office.
Answer Now!
Contact Us
Sunny Gonzales Eighmy '99 
Vice President for Advancement
Corey Falter
Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement
Mary Benedict
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations

Lynne Petty
Administrative Assistant, Alumni Relations

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