Dear Friend,

As we emerge from the pandemic into a new season of decision making, we are given many opportunities to practice discernment—the theme of our last retreat. I pray you have been practicing and growing in your capacity to recognize and respond to the presence of Christ, both personally and in your ministry.

Reflecting on the Last Quarter

As we approach our next retreat, please set aside time to go over your notes from the last retreat, journal about your experiences with discernment during the quarter, and reflect on the reading you have been doing. Notice places where the readings have been helpful and supported your practice, along with the places where you felt resistant, challenged or had questions. Remember to send your 2–3 page paper by Friday. The following questions will help you write your reflection:

  • Where did you find yourself in the story of the healing of the blind man in John 9? What is the nature of your own spiritual blindness? How is Jesus healing that blindness and guiding you to true spiritual sight?

  • How has reflecting on Deuteronomy 30 impacted your decision-making? How have you engaged in the habit of discernment and what have you noticed in paying attention to consolation and desolation?

  • What decision(s) have you faced in the last season that warranted the spiritual practice of discernment? Describe how you utilized the different aspects of discernment and found it to be different than mere decision-making.

  • What have been the outcomes of a greater attention to discernment in your life?

You may want to have a copy of your written reflections available for sharing with your small group on Monday over dinner.

Preparing for the Upcoming Retreat

All Christian spiritual formation is For the Sake of Others—which is the topic of our upcoming retreat, June 7-9, 2021. Spiritual transformation increases our capacity to discern and do the will of God which must always involve loving engagement with the world Jesus loves and gave his life for.

Dr. Robert Mulholland will be our main teacher for this retreat through videotaped presentations in which he offers theological and practical reflections on Christian spirituality through the lens of cruciform love. In this as-yet unpublished work, he describes cruciform love as the very essence of God’s nature—looking at the cross not only as something God “did” but as the deepest revelation of God’s very essence. Together we will reflect on the Christian life and Christian ministry in and for the world as one of cruciform love—an essential truth about being conformed to the image of Christ. 

Honestly, friends, it is some of the most stirring teaching I have ever been privileged to hear. Looking forward to seeing you, in person, next week!
Yours in Christ,
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