LSU STEM Pathways: Enhancing STEM Education in Louisiana
Discover how Louisiana State University's Gordon A. Cain Center for STEM Literacy pioneers STEM education through the LSU STEM Pathways initiative, catering to students from kindergarten to high school.
Louisiana State Rally 2024: A Showcase of Academic Excellence at LSU
Louisiana State University (LSU) hosted the annual State Rally organized by the Louisiana High School Rally Association on March 23, 2024, where over 3,500 high school students competed in various academic disciplines.
The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) invites you to submit a proposal for educator sessions at the 2024 National Conference on Science Education in New Orleans, LA. Proposals are open for submission from April 1 to May 5, 2024.
The LASTEM Summit is an annual conference whose goal is to strengthen PK-16 STEM education throughout Louisiana and the nation. The LASTEM Summit will take place on October 9, 2024 - FREE to attend!
'Call for Exhibitors' application window closes 8/1/24 at 5 pm CST or when capacity is maximized.
LSU STEM Pathways Courses and Modules
Virtual training dates are June 3 - June 18, and June 19 - July 3. To learn more, please email or visit the website here.
New Pathways Courses through the Digital Design & Emergent Media pathway teaches industry-based technical skills that prepare students for a career in creative technology, through the courses of Esports and Introduction to Video Game Design. Visit the website to learn more here.
|® for Computer Science
Upcoming training dates are July 9 - July 12, and July 15 - July 19. Visit our website for more information, or contact the Louisiana® Regional Manager Rose Kendrick at
College Credit Opportunities
Programs include: Pre-Dual Enrollment, Dual Enrollment, Companion Course (BIO 1001/1002), and Choice Credit (Math 1015/1029). Training dates vary by program. To learn more, please email:
Engineering is Elementary & Youth Engineering Solutions
SeaPerch Educator Training
SeaPerch upcoming educator training sessions will be held on April 6 and April 13.
April 6 ; University of New Orleans Oliver St. Pe' Center (TRAC), 2000 Lakeshore Drive, New Orleans, LA 70122.
April 13 ; University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Maxim Doucet Hall, 1401 Johnston St., Lafayette, LA 70503.
Offshore Wind for Educators & Students
KidWind has been offered an amazing opportunity to bring 50 high school students to the IPF Offshore Wind Energy Conference in New Orleans on April 25 from 9 am to 3 pm for a full day of exploring offshore wind energy and related careers.
AI Skills Challenge for Educators
Join the AI skills challenge for educators. Complete this free challenge by April 29th, 2024, and earn your digital AI for educators trophy.
Energize Educators Across Louisiana
LSU offers a variety of summer Pre-College Programs geared towards STEM related subjects with the option of residential life throughout the months of June and July.
LSU Architecture Design Workshop Summer Camp
Architecture Camp is an exciting chance for high school students entering grades 10-12 to explore the world of architecture. Camp runs from June 9-15.
The Carol Meyer Scholarship Awards
In Carol's memory, the Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics is pleased to award two $500.00 scholarships each year. Applications must be submitted by April 26, 2024.
If you're a high school student passionate about encouraging more young women to take computer science at your school, then we need you! Become a CS Ambassador and be a part of closing the gender gap in computer science.
Don't miss the GeauxTeach Alumni Panel, Thursday, April 18th 5:00 - 6:30 PM. This is a networking event for current GeauxTeach STEM students and alumni in the LSU Student Union.
Join the LSU STEM Pathways Friday April 12th at the LSU Digital Media Center from 9am-4pm for the 2024 Digital Design Showcase! Visit the website here.
EBRPL STEM Summer Kick-Off
Kick off Summer Reading on Thursday, May 30, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., at the Main Library at Goodwood.
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