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Hells Bells
February, 2017
50th Anniversary Celebration at
Oregon Zoo's new Conservation Hall!
There's been a significant upgrade to our 50th Anniversary Celebration: it will now be held at The Oregon Zoo's brand new Conservation Hall!  This beautiful space is opening at the end of this month, and our fundraising event is an early chance to explore it in style!
Don't wait to register--tickets for our celebration are selling fast.  
Saturday, May 20, 2017, 6:30 p.m.
Social hour, dinner, live auction, and fundraiser
Featured speaker Kim Stafford
Register Today!
Recap of Some 2016 Accomplishments
Thank you to our members and supporters for making 2016 a success, despite the many challenges the year brought. Linked below are just some of the accomplishments we are proud to share with you.  We couldn't do this work without you; thank you for caring about the Greater Hells Canyon Region!
Want to keep making an impact, every single month?  Join our monthly donor River Runner program today!
View Accomplishments
This Week's Call to Your Representative
Feeling overwhelmed by the myriad reasons to call your representative?  Can't pick an issue?  We can help: This week, call your representative and urge them to vote "NO" on H.R. 622, which proposes eliminating federal law enforcement from National Forest and BLM land.  H.R. 621 and 622 were both introduced by Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz in 2016.  While H.R. 621 was dropped (thank you to everyone who called!), 622 is sticking around.  This bill opens the door to poaching, exploitation, and degradation of our public lands.  An article in Outdoor Life lays it out pretty well:
"Chaffetz says he would replace agency LEOs with block grants for local counties. But that idea fails upon closer inspection. Local deputies will always be under political pressure to patrol where the people live—not patrol the backwoods. Our national forests would naturally become neglected and become a no-man’s zone, claimed by the lawless."
You can look up your Representative's phone number here.  When calling, don't forget to say your name, zip code, and the name of the bill.  
Public Lands Rally in Boise
Our public lands allies Friends of the Clearwater are organizing a public lands rally in Boise.  Idaho folk, show your representatives where you stand!
Give Now
HCPC works to protect and restore an extraordinarily diverse and beautiful wild area and its native inhabitants in the Northwest.  Your support makes our work possible.  Thank you!
~ Darilyn Parry Brown, Executive Director 
Interesting Bits
  • The distance from you to the forest is increasing. "When the Europeans first came to North America, forests were so dense and continuous that a squirrel could have traveled from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi without ever touching the ground, some historians say." Can you imagine? Researchers have created a new metric, "forest attrition distance," which measures the average distance from any point to a forested area. That average is increasing.
  • Meanwhile, cyborg plants.  
HCPC Seeking New Board and Advisory Board Members
We are seeking energetic and talented members for our Board of Directors.
Energy, talent, and commitment are the most important considerations.
If you are interested and would like more information, or want to recommend someone else, please contact Executive Director Darilyn Parry Brown.
Sponsor of the Month:
Thank you to The Wilburforce Foundation for supporting our Wild Connections work!
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HCPC Wishlist:

We're always looking for a few things.  Your donation is tax deductible, and helps us save time and money. Thank you!
  • 1st class stamps
  • Postcard stamps
Thank you EarthShare Oregon for supporting us through your workplace giving campaigns!  Learn how to donate a portion of your wages to Oregon causes here.
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