Celebrate milestones with your St. Luke's family.
Celebrate milestones with your St. Luke's family.
The monthly "St. Luke's Celebrates" newsletter
helps St. Lukers connect to one another
as we navigate life together. 
We wish a very Happy Birthday to all our St. Lukers! Click the button below to help us celebrate the next few months of birthdays. 
Joseph Antonio Orta was born February 18 at 2:43 p.m., weighing 6lbs 3oz to parents Carly and Harold. He is joined by his proud big sister, Elsa. Welcome, Joseph!
Charlotte Lakelynn, age 3, was officially adopted on
February 25. Proud parents are Linda and Dave Lopez-Puig and brother Ayden age 5. Welcome to the family!
On February 20, Mason Black was baptized. Joining the baptism was his family including his parents Jesse and Jenna. Welcome to our St. Luke's Family, Mason!
On February 20, Kieran and Aurora Sparrow were baptized. Joining the baptism was their family including their parents Katie and Steven. Welcome to our St. Luke's Family, Kieran and Aurora!
On February 20, Connor and Caleb Inmon were baptized. Joining the baptism was their family including parents Amy and Shawn. Welcome to our St. Luke's Family, Connor and Caleb!
On February 20, Brynn Battaglia was baptized. Joining the baptism was her family including her parents Allison and Robert. Welcome to our St. Luke's Family, Brynn!
We appreciate the faithful commitment St. Lukers make to the church's ministries. Click the button below to help us celebrate the next few months of church partnership anniversaries.
As we navigate life together, we mourn the death of         St. Luker Roy Powell who passed away on February 10, 2022. A service was held in the Sanctuary on March 4. Please keep his wife Donna and the whole family in your prayers. 
Congratulations to Penn and Kim Holderness for their participation in Season 33 of The Amazing Race playing along with 10 other teams.
Kim is the daughter of St. Lukers Peggy and Scott Harris.
Filming started back on February 22, 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic caused production to be placed on hold for over a year and a half, with the race resuming in September 2021. The season premiered on January 5, 2022, and ended this past week.
The winners of the $1,000,000 were: Penn and Kim!!
They met here in Orlando while they were both local TV reporters. They now live in Raleigh, N.C. 
They have a large internet following that knows them as “The  Holderness Family” on Facebook, YouTube, and other social media platforms.
Together with their children, Lola and Penn Charles, they make goofy videos people love to watch and share. 
Congratulations to the whole family!
On February 5, 2022, seventeen St. Lukers picked up paintbrushes and caulk guns at the first St. Luke’s Habitat for Humanity Build Day for 2022.
St. Luke’s is partnering with West Orange Habitat for Humanity on Criswell Court, a new community in East Winter Garden where four homes will be built.
Some of the group climbed scaffolding and painted the exterior, while others stayed closer to the ground and caulked around windows and spackled over nail heads.
The next build day is on May 28. Sign up by clicking the button below. 
The featured Staff Shout Out goes to the Minister of Connection and Community, Pastor Jeremy Green
Shout out to Pastor Jeremy for bringing such a great sermon to us all on Sunday, February 6. It was very much appreciated! Thank you!
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