Off-Cycle Quarter-End Payroll for Monthly Paid Employees |
Please review the following protocol for submitting off-cycle pay requests for monthly paid employees via the E-078 Pay Request Form near the upcoming quarter-end.
When processing off-cycle pay requests for monthly paid employees who have earnings after the December 27, 2024, pay-end date, payroll transactors must add Initiator Comments to the E-078 form to ensure that the employee's earnings from December 1 – December 31, 2024, are captured in the correct quarter.
Why is this protocol required?
This protocol ensures that wages are captured accurately in UCPath for off-cycle payroll periods that span two quarters.
Action Required: Payroll transactors must check the Pay-End Date field when using the E-078 form for monthly paid employees and take the actions listed below:
Pay End Date Field | Action |
Scenario 1: Pay End Date field shows December 1, 2024, for the monthly paid employee | Proceed as usual without using comments |
Scenario 2: Pay End Date field shows December 27, 2024, for the monthly paid employee | Please use the comments to share employee earning details per the instructions below |
Instructions for Scenario 2:
1. Enter the employee's earnings dates from December 1 to December 27, 2024, in the Earnings Begin and Earnings End fields.
2. If the employee's earnings continue past December 27, 2024, enter the following information and format in Initiator Comments: "Employee is due (insert hours) hours of pay for 12/01/24 to 12/31/24."
When do I apply this protocol?
This protocol should be applied near quarter-end, following the completion of the general ledger processing. For the current quarter, GL processing concludes on December 17, 2024, so payroll transactors must follow this protocol when they submit off-cycle requests from December 18 to December 31, 2024.
Note: This protocol applies only to the current quarter with a pay-end date of December 27, 2024. After that date, you may submit off-cycle requests for monthly employees as usual on the next open calendar.
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