September 20, 2020

Application Time is NOW for the 2021 Kindergarten Classes

NOW is the time to apply for Kindergarten for fall 2021! Applications are submitted ONLINE. (New families need to create an account; current families should use their PowerSchool account login.)
Also, help us spread the word about our virtual Admissions Open Houses. Click HERE for more information.

School Reopening Plan Update

As communicated in our Reopening Plan, our initial decision to begin our school year with a hybrid learning model was made with deep consideration of several needs: children’s academic and social-emotional development, parent childcare needs, and the safety of the children and teachers who are spending the days together. Along with safety, a key benefit of this hybrid schedule is a continuity of daily in-person learning with smaller class sizes which allows for more direct instruction, more individualized attention, and the ability to cover our curriculum in a concentrated way. 
We plan to communicate any revisions to our scenario planning the week of September 21.

Schedule For This Wednesday

As shared in our School Reopening Plan, there will be NO MORNING COHORT In-Person Learning and NO Morning Extended Day THIS WEDNESDAY, September 23. 
St M's Campus will be closed to students until 12:10 p.m. for full Faculty meetings and training in the a.m.

Virtual Back to School Nights

Below please find the schedule for this week's virtual Back to School Nights by grade. These meetings will be conducted on Zoom. 
Zoom login links for Lower School will be sent by email from your homeroom teacher. 
  • Monday, September 21: 5th Grade, 6:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, September 22: 3rd Grade, 6:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 23: 4th Grade, 6:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, September 24:  2nd Grade, 6:30 p.m.

School Pictures Start Tomorrow!

Monday, Sept. 21 - Lower School Picture Day for morning and afternoon cohorts
Tuesday, Sept. 22 - Middle School Picture Day for morning and afternoon cohorts

Students should come dressed for their school photo and proceed to their normal first class. Teachers will bring students to their photos at their designated time. Due to safety protocols, whole class photos will be composite class photos this year. The background for all photos will be "traditional blue."
Eighth graders should see the letter at this link for further details and special instructions. 
Please email with any questions. 

COVID Reporting Protocol/Form

If someone in your family has symptoms, has been exposed, or is being tested for COVID-19, please inform the School  IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING via the COVID-19 Reporting Form link below. (The link is also on the school website.) Upon receipt of this information, Nurse Maben, St M's new school nurse, will contact the family. The confidentiality of the diagnosed student or teacher will be maintained. 
For Middle School families, once parents have submitted the COVID Reporting Form, the School needs at least 24 hours before St M can set your student up to Zoom into their Middle School classes. 
COVID Reporting Form HERE

New Spiritwear Designs!

Show your DRAGON PRIDE with St M Spiritwear! 
We launched a fresh set of designs this week -- from baseball shirts to track jackets, and new chevron and bold block logos.  Note that we have both youth and adult sizes. Spiritwear is NOT returnable so please review sizing information carefully. 
Starting this Friday, every Friday is DRAGON DRESS DAY! Wear blue or white or your favorite St M apparel. Which class will have the most spirit? 
Questions? Contact Susan Curwood
Spiritwear Store HERE

Family Information Updates

St. Michael's strives to maintain up-to-date information about our families. Please kindly fill out this FORM to ensure that the School's records are accurate. Thank you for your assistance!

Any Contact Info Changes?

Have you moved, changed email addresses, or phone numbers? Has your household status changed? Help us keep our School records updated as we will be printing the School Directory shortly!  Please complete this Google form with updates. Thanks!

ZOOM Usage Permission Slip Needed for All Students

K-8 parents, as an addendum to our Technology Acceptable Use Policy, we ask that all families please sign the Zoom parent permission form located HERE

Please Slow Down 

As our campus is in a residential neighborhood, we ask for everyone's help with an important safety matter. This week, we received several communications from our neighbors in Traylor Estates expressing concern about excessive speeding as our families arrive and depart from School. The posted speed limit in the neighborhood is 25 miles per hour, dropping to 10 mph around some of the curves. But even those speed limits can feel high if you are approaching a pedestrian exercising, walking a dog, or pushing a stroller-- especially given that the neighborhood roads are narrow and without sidewalks.  
It is extremely important that we slow down and safely share the approaching roads to St. Michael's with our neighbors and yield to pedestrians and homeowners who are trying to exit their driveways.  We share the concern of our neighbors and encourage you to consider your child's safety and the safety of others when you are dropping off and picking up from school. Thank you for your understanding and support in this important matter.

Let's Be Friends! 

Get connected to keep abreast of St M news, events, calendar changes, and information.
St M on Facebook 
St M on Twitter
St M on the Web
St M on Vimeo 
Not on social media? View the posts on our Media Gallery!
Current and past issues of "This Week at St. Michael's" are now archived on our website under "News and Events," as well as under "Community." 

Dates to Remember

Please check our online School Calendar for updates. 
For planning purposes, click HERE for key dates for the  2020-21 school year.
Never miss an update! Subscribe to our School calendars and receive automatic updates! Please subscribe to the ALL SCHOOL calendar, PLUS the Lower School or Middle School calendar (or both) as needed.

This Week

Monday, Sept. 21
  • 5th Grade Virtual Back to School Night, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 22
  • 3rd Grade Virtual Back to School Night, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 23
  • NO MORNING COHORT In-Person Learning and NO Morning Extended Day. Campus will be closed to students until 12:10 p.m. for full Faculty Meeting/Training in a.m.
  • 4th Grade Virtual Back to School Night, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 24
  • 2nd Grade Virtual Back to School Night, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept 25
  • Our first DRAGON DRESS DAY! Show your school pride and wear blue/white or St M apparel! Which class will have the MOST spirit?
COVID-19/St M Operations Info
Click HERE to access our Covid-19/School Operations website page, along with a listing of all parent communications from March on.
Join us every Wednesday for Virtual Chapel!
Click HERE to view. Please contact Christian Hansen with any questions.

Got Books?

We are still missing a lot of classroom text books from the spring when we had students bring them home for remote learning.
Please have your child search at home for any St M books and return them to school ASAP.
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