Shorter, More Simple, More Mobile Friendly, Quick Tip Information
Shorter, More Simple, More Mobile Friendly, Quick Tip Information
Spring 2015 | Help for Living in Our Crazy Busy World
Tanna K. Strom 
In keeping with the topical theme of this newsletter, I am going to do a more simple quarterly newsletter from this newsletter out.  As we are all inundated with way too much in our in boxes, I will strive to share highlighted ideas & thoughts that can be helpful to you in bite size pieces.
I also reworked my newsletter format to one that is more mobile device friendly. Single column and bigger font for smart phones, etc.
My regular columns are pared down to address only the areas that are part of my private practice work. They are as follows in the order of how you will view them in my newsletter:  
Individual Well Being: Choices in Creating an Internal Calmness
Couple Intimacy & Connection: Time as a Couple
Family MakingCreating Connected Families Even When You Are Busy
Strom Therapy Updates: Blog Collection of 130 Articles  
Note: You now can click on the column headings above and go directly to what YOU are most interested in. 
Individual Growth & Well Being
Choices in Creating an Internal Calmness
Here are some choices you might consider to help you create a calm internal space within yourself no matter what is going on in your crazy, busy world.
  1. You have a choice of  . . .  how you choose to perceive what is going on around you.
  2. You have a choice of  . . .  whom you spend your personal time with.
  3. You have a choice of . . . when and where and how much technology you use. 
  4. You have a choice of  . . . creating your personal home environment to reflect who you are and what brings you happiness.
  5. You have a choice of  . . . how much clutter and things are in your personal space.
You can create an internal calmness by using “your power of choice”.  Here is to lots of healthy choices that are a perfect fit for you!
Couple Intimacy & Connection
Time As a Couple
You work, You try to take care of yourself, You go to church, You spend quality time with your children, etc. So where is the time for you as a couple?
Here are some strategies to consider in creating time for you as a couple:
  1. Decide as a couple how much time you need to feel a continued sense of connection.  Then making room in your lives to make this happen.
  2. Schedule “your time” into your calendars. Then be firm with your commitment to each other.
  3. Be ok with knowing you will have to “let go” of something else to create this special time for your loved one.  You will probably have to ask yourself, “What is most important?” 
  4. Create a balance that includes your sweetheart.  Do a pie chart exercise and be honest with yourself as to where you are spending your time. Is the couple slice just the right size?

Family Making
Creating Connected Families Even When You Are Busy
Our families are so very important to us. We work hard to physically provide for them and to give them the emotional support they need. So how is it that we see so many families disconnected and too busy to really be with each other? 
Here are some tips as to how to stay connected as a family when everyone is so busy.
  1. Really “BE THERE” in the time you do have.  Stop and really hear and interact with all your heart in that moment.
  2. Consider extra curricular activities. Talk about this openly as a family & include “family time” as a foundation piece to include. Are there too many actiivities? Just the right amount? How does it all feel?
  3. Ask that family members keep their commitment to agreed upon family times. Regular family meetings can help in having a time to discuss and work out what fits for everyone.
  4. Ask your children what they most like to do with you and try to incorporate these activities.  Real listening & follow through brings lots of connection!
Strom Therapy Updates
Relationship Blog Has a Collection of 130 Articles
I now have a collection of 130 articles posted on my blog in the following categories: 
  •  Well Being
  • Relationship Building
  • Couple Activities
  • Family Activities
  • Families in Transition
Creating Branches Building Connection, Fun & Love in Your Relationships

My business facebook page is set up to give bite sized information on resources for well being and healthy relationships. In addition, I post information on Tulsa area “fun things to do” as a couple and as a family.  
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