Thanks for joining us as we develop a vision for Aloe Bay!
Thanks for joining us as we develop a vision for Aloe Bay!

Thank you for joining us!

Thank you to everyone that participated last week in the Aloe Bay Design Charrette! Our design team was excited to have engaged people who care deeply about the community and provided unique perspectives on their vision for Aloe Bay. Over the course of the charrette, our team held multiple online meetings, an in-person event, virtual studios, workshops and presentations in which more than 290 people participated in live! A catalog of online events, from the beginning of the charrette to the summary presentation, has been created and is available on YouTube at the following link: Since the community kick-off event on June 25, 2020, more than 400 people have been engaged in the process.

Building upon all the unique conversations of the charrette, the project team used all the information to refine a draft plan for the development of Aloe Bay which balances the need for economic development and maintaining Dauphin Island as a quiet, laid-back, low-scale, funky town for fishing, vacations and living. Since the charrette has completed, the project team is busy developing a summary of the week which will be shared and posted the project website

If you missed the Aloe Bay Charrette Summary and Work In Progress Presentation, we encourage you to take some time and view the video at the following link: During the presentation our design team asked a few questions live to meeting participants, but we also want to hear your feedback too. After watching, take a short survey with the same questions from the presentation to give us your feedback. The survey will be available at until February 11th.

Please visit the Aloe Bay website ( to leave feedback, review information presented to the steering committee, and keep track of future project events.

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