USC Dornsife
USC Dornsife
USC Dornsife Office of Research Advancement
Descripton at end of newsletter                                                                             Week of May 22, 2023                   

Greetings Dornsife Faculty,
The Weekly Report today includes
  -  One external funding success by a Dornsife investigator;
  -  Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including
2 limited submissions from the American Diabetes Association; and 
  A repost of an upcoming workshop (tomorrow, Thursday May 25th) on the new Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), of which a funding opportunity from this entity is also included in this week's report.
We wish you all a restful Memorial Day weekend as we honor and celebrater our heroes and sheroes who sacrificed their lives in the service of family and country.
Best regards,
Renee J. Perez, Vice Dean, Administration & Finance
Cathleen Crayton, Project Specialist

External Funding Success
Vsevolod Katritch, Quantitative and Computational Biology and Chemistry, Design and Synthesis of Collybolide Probes for Kappa-Opioid Receptor, National Institute on Drug Abuse

External Funding Opportunities
***Limited Submission***
American Diabetes Association (ADA)
Program: ADA Pathway to Stop Diabetes Initiator Award
: Supports Post-doc Fellows with a two-phased award designed to support the transition of scientists from mentored training to independent research faculty. Eligible applicants must currently be in research training positions (post-doctoral fellow, research fellowship) and have no more than seven years of research training following terminal doctoral degree. Applicants cannot concurrently hold an NIH K99/R00 grant. Candidates must be identified through institutional nomination; applications will be accepted only from individuals with the appropriate institution support.
Award details: Phase 1 provides up to two years of support for mentored training at a maximum of $100K per year (including 10% indirect costs) and requires 75-100% effort. Phase 2 provides up to five years of support for independent research at a maximum of $325K per year (including 30% indirect costs) and requires 50-75% effort. Maximum combined support for Phase 1 and Phase 2 is $1,625K
USC Internal announcement:
External announcement on website:
USC Internal due date: June 9, 2023.
External due date: August 1, 2023.
***Limited Submission***
American Diabetes Association (ADA)
Program: ADA Pathway to Stop Diabetes Accelerator Award (ACE)
: Supports early-career diabetes investigators proposing innovative and ambitious diabetes-related research programs. Applicants must hold faculty positions and have demonstrated independent productivity in diabetes research. Applicants may currently hold independent NIH funding (K, U or R awards, including an initial R01/U01) but must not have applied for (regardless of outcome), or received, an R01/U01 renewal or a second R01/U01 award. Candidates must be identified through institutional nomination; applications will be accepted only from individuals with the appropriate institution support.
Award details: Research support at a maximum of $325,000 per year (including 30% indirect costs), for a total of $1,625,000. Requires 25-50% effort.
USC internal Announcement:
External announcement on website:
USC Internal due date: June 9, 2023.
External due date: August 1, 2023.
American Philosophical Association
Programs: 2023-2024 Diversity and Inclusiveness Grant Program and Small Grant Fund
: Diversity and Inclusiveness Grant Program: Supports projects aiming to increase the presence and participation of women, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, people of low socioeconomic status, and other underrepresented groups at all levels of philosophy. Small Grant Fund: Supports projects that benefit the field of philosophy.
Award details: Diversity and Inclusiveness Grant Program: $20K; Small Grant Fund: $5K (will make 5 awards).
Announcement on website:
Application due date: June 30, 2023, for both programs.
Dedalus Foundation
Program: Senior Fellowship
: Supports critical and historical studies related to painting, sculpture, and allied arts from the 20th century.  Fellowships are awarded to writers and scholars who have demonstrated their abilities through previous accomplishments and who are not currently matriculated for academic degrees. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. A jury of distinguished scholars determines the winner of the fellowship.   
Award details: Stipends will vary with a maximum stipend of $30K.
Announcement on website:
Application due date: Online application due date before September 15, 2023.
Norwegian Parliament
Program: Holberg Prize
: Awarded annually to a scholar who has made outstanding contributions to research in the humanities, social sciences, law, or theology. The Prize may be awarded both for work within a particular academic discipline and for work of a cross-disciplinary nature. The recipient must have had a decisive influence on international research. Using the online submission form, scholars holding positions at universities, academies and other research institutions are entitled to nominate candidates for the Holberg Prize. Self-nominations are not accepted.
Award details: ~$600K
Announcement on website:
Application due date: June 15, 2023.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Program: Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use
: Supports investigators from low and middle-income countries (LMICs) and their partners for projects that harness the potential of AI to improve the lives and well-being of women, children, and vulnerable communities everywhere. AI solutions targeting LMICs must be locally driven and owned and relevant to each person’s needs. Local communities must be given the opportunity to provide their own perspective and cultural context so that they can decide on both 1) their own thresholds for safe usage and 2) the overall utility of AI within their own lives. This Request for Application contains information on what areas proposals should address. Priority will be given to projects that (1) have an explicit request for an AI project; (2) projects that have already completed a pilot before this Grand Challenges call, and / or projects that have lessons / tools that can be transferred to other use cases / situations/ contexts with minimal change.
Award details: Up to $100K for 3 months. While global partners may be included, at least 80% of the funding goes to LMIC institutions and where the investigator is part of an LMIC institution.
Announcement on website:
Application due date: June 5, 2023.
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Program:  Neurodegeneration Challenge Network (NCDN):
Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project (Cycle 2)

: Support pairs of investigators and their teams to explore innovative, interdisciplinary approaches to address critical challenges in the fields of neurodegenerative disease and fundamental neuroscience. The Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards were developed as a funding mechanism to catalyze new collaborations and scientific partnerships and springboard early-stage projects that are bold, creative and “out-of-the-box.” Examples of potential research areas within the scope of this program include (partial)
  - Testing causal hypotheses for the role of the circuit, cellular and molecular mechanisms in neurodegenerative disease pathogenesis across the lifespan
  -  Cellular- and systems-level approaches to studying neural plasticity, aging, and resilience in the context of neurodegenerative disease or healthy aging.
  -  Investigating the causal contribution of well-defined cell types or circuits in cognitive processes or sleep-wake cycles.
Eligible candidates have a Ph.D. or MD or equivalent.
Award details: $200K for 18 months for Phase I. Upon successful completion of Phase 1, Phase 2 Pairs will be eligible to apply for an acceleration grant award of $400K total costs per year per pair for four years ($1.6M total) to build on the work done in the pilot phase, for a total of $1.8M over five-and-a-half years for the entirety of the project (Phase 1 and Phase 2).
Announcement on website
Letter of Intent due date: June 22, 2023.
Full application due date (invited): September 14, 2023. Expected award to begin: March 2024.
Johnson and Johnson Innovation
Program: Blue Knight QuickPitch: Activating for the Future
: Supports projects for potentially ground-breaking ideas or technologies that aim to enhance preparedness toward future known and unknown health threats, including emerging pathogens. Specific areas of interest are (1) Broad spectrum therapeutics and / or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to address emerging pathogens; (2) Technologies that have the potential to break reliance on annual or seasonal vaccinations and provide longer durability (i.e. Insensitive to variation) for coronaviruses, influenza, and flaviviruses; (3) Improve therapeutic and / or vaccine stability to reduce reliance on cold-chain, including with the potential to increase shelf-life; and (4) Addressing bacterial pathogens through vaccines, long-acting treatments, novel approaches (including monoclonal antibodies), or PrEP relevant to Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter spp.(ESKAPE) pathogens.
Award details: Up to 10 innovator(s) will earn the opportunity to pitch live to a panel of industry experts including Johnson & Johnson and BARDA leadership at JLABS @ Washington, DC on August 29. Applicants may be invited to join Blue Knight through a residency at the hub located at JLABS @ Washington, DC
Announcement on website:
Application due date: June 23, 2023.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Program: Human Connections
: Supports innovative curricular approaches that foster partnerships among humanities faculty and their counterparts in the social and natural sciences and in pre-service or professional programs (such as business, engineering, health sciences, law, computer science, and other technology-driven fields), in order to encourage and develop new integrative learning opportunities for students. Humanities Connections projects must include:
 -  substantive and purposeful integration of the subject matter, perspectives, and pedagogical approaches of two or more disciplines (with a minimum of one in and one outside of the humanities)
  -  collaboration between faculty from two or more departments or schools at one or more institutions
  -  experiential learning as an intrinsic part of the proposed curriculum
  -  long-term institutional support for the proposed curriculum innovation(s)
Award details: $35K for Planning Grants for 1 year; Up to $150K for Implementation grants for 1.5 years.
Announcement on website:
Application window: June 7, 2023, to September 7, 2023.
National Library of Medicine
Program: NLM Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomedicine and Health
: PAR-23-183
Synopsis: Supports scholars with protected time to the writing of a scholarly work that reflects thoughtful analysis and synthesis. Given the relative brevity of the award period, it is expected that applicants have their ideas well solidified, and all materials needed to write the scholarly work collected before applying to this NOFO. The award can be used to support projects of academic and / or public health policy value, including but not limited to:
  -  Works focusing on the history or philosophy of medicine, public health, and the life sciences, the development of medical research and health services, bioethics, and studies on the interrelationship of medicine and society.
  -  Works focusing on the history or philosophy of biomedical informatics, computational biology, health information sciences, health communications, or health sciences librarianship.
  -  Analytical and comprehensive critical reviews which identify the present status of research and practice in various health-related fields, addressing advances that have been made, problems requiring examination, and emerging trends. It is anticipated that the output of this will be a publication by a commercial or academic press or similar print or electronic dissemination service that assures the quality and availability of the product. Self-publishing by the author is not considered an appropriate dissemination vehicle.
Award details: $75K direct costs per year for 2 years to support salary and fringe benefits for project personnel. Salaries requested must not exceed the levels commensurate with the institution’s policy for similar positions and may not exceed the legislatively mandated salary cap.
Announcement on website:
Letter of Intent due date: 30 days before application submission.
Application due date:  Applications reviewed through 2025. Next application due date is February 26, 2024.
Program: Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Science Team
Funding Opportunity #
Synopsis: Supports projects that address either or both of these two priorities:
  -  Understanding Measurement Physics and Data Challenges to Improve SWOT Data Products; and / or
  -  Novel Earth Science and Research applications with SWOT.
Proposers must budget for mandatory project representation at annual SWOT Science Team meetings, alternating years in Europe and in North America over a 4-year period. Selected proposers are expected to join the SWOT Science Team thematic Working Groups relevant to their proposed research objectives, and budget-appropriate resources to participate in the monthly group discussions. For relevant topics, selected A.11-5 members will be encouraged to interact with the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team
Award details: The program budget for ~15 to 20 new awards is $4.2M per year for 4 years. P
Announcement on website: SWOT
Notice of Intent due date: November 9, 2023.
Proposal due date: December 15, 2023.
DoD / Defense Health Program / Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
Program: Neurofibromatosis Research Program / Early Investigator Research Award
Funding Opportunity Number: HT9425-23-NFRP-EIRA
Synopsis: Supports innovative, high-impact research that will foster new directions for and address neglected issues in NF research; sponsor multidisciplinary and multi-institutional collaborations that will bring new perspectives to the field; promote translational and clinical studies to move promising ideas from bench to bedside; and develop a balanced portfolio of meritorious research related to all aspects of NF1, NF2, and Schwannomatosis.
Award details: Maximum award for Early Investigator Research Program Award should not exceed $200,000 for a maximum project period of 2 years.
Announcement on website: 2024 Neurofibromatosis Research Program
Pre-Application due date: August 11, 2023.
Application due date: August 25, 2023.
Note: This is the first in a suite of funding opportunities from the CDMRP’s program in neurofibromatosis research we intend to post in the coming weeks.
NSF / Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships
Program: NSF Convergence Accelerator Phases 1 and 2 for the 2023 Cohort - Tracks K, L, M
Solicitation #
: NSF 23-590
Synopsis: Supports multiple disciplines, expertise, and partnerships from academia, industry, non-profit, government, and other sectors together to develop solutions to solve national grand challenges through convergence research. This solicitation supports both US-only proposals and proposals with international partnerships. For Track L only, this solicitation includes collaboration with the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and Vinnova, Sweden's Innovation Agency. Participants who would like to qualify for Vetenskapsrådet / Vinnova funding will submit their proposals as a single proposal, with the US Lead PIs submitting to NSF and the Swedish Participants sharing information with Vetenskapsrådet / Vinnova as described in the solicitation and the corresponding BAA. Topics of interest for FY 2023 are
  -  Track K: Equitable Water Solutions — to build upon foundational knowledge and advancements in environmental sciences, geosciences, engineering, computing, social and behavioral sciences, as well as other areas to develop viable solutions for water quality, quantity, and equity issues.
  -  Track L: Real-World Chemical Sensing Applications is to develop novel energy-efficient and miniaturized or portable biological and chemical sensors for tangible applications.
 -  Track M: Bio-Inspired Design Innovations is to bring together scientists and practitioners to develop concepts, approaches, and technologies that build and control in the same way nature does – capitalizing on millions of years of evolution – to find novel solutions to major societal and economic challenges.
For Track L only this solicitation includes collaboration with the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and Vinnova, Sweden's Innovation Agency. Participants who would like to qualify for Vetenskapsrådet / Vinnova funding will submit their proposals as a single proposal, with the US Lead PIs submitting to NSF and the Swedish Participants sharing information with Vetenskapsrådet / Vinnova as described in the solicitation and the corresponding BAA.
Award details: Phase 1 funding: $750K for 1 year; Phase 2 funding: Up to $5M for 2 years. Phase 1 is basically planning, and identifying team members; which results in a proof-of-concept. Phase 2 involves continued development and continues to apply Convergence Accelerator fundamentals, including identifying new team members and end-user partnerships to further develop solution prototypes and to build a sustainability model to continue impact beyond NSF support.
Announcement on website:
Letter of Intent for Phase 1: July 11, 2023.
Full Phase I proposal due date: August 22, 2023. Only Phase 1 awardees are eligible to submit Phase 2 proposals.
NSF / Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Division of Social and Economic Sciences
Program: Human Networks and Data Science (HNDS)
Solicitation #
: 23-568
Synopsis: Supports research that enhances understanding of human behavior by leveraging data and network science research across a broad range of topics. HNDS research will identify ways in which dynamic, distributed, or heterogeneous data can provide novel answers to fundamental questions about individual or group behavior. HNDS is especially interested in proposals that provide data-rich insights about human networks to support improved health, prosperity, and security. The program has 2 tracks (1) Human Networks and Data Science — Infrastructure (HNDS) which will address the development of data resources and relevant analytic techniques that support fundamental Social, Behavioral, and Economic (SBE) research. and (2) Human Networks and Data Science – Core Research (HNDS-R, which will advance theory in a core SBE discipline by the application of data and network science methods.
Award details: A typical HNDS-I award is expected to be in the range of $750K to $800K. A typical HNDS-R award is expected to be in the range of $350K to $400K. Due to budgetary constraints, the requested amount should rarely exceed $800,000 including indirect costs. Project duration may be 1 to 5 years.
Announcement on website:
Proposal due date: Multiple due dates. The next due date is July 13, 2023. Deadline for direct submissions to Human Networks and Data Science – Core Research (HNDS-R) by permission only. Submissions with HNDS-R as secondary should follow the primary program’s submission dates.
NSF / Directorate for STEM Education and all other Directorates
Program: Workplace Equity for Persons with Disabilities in STEM and STEM Education
Solicitation #:
Synopsis: Supports fundamental, applied, and translational research that advances knowledge and practice about diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible STEM and STEM education workplaces and postsecondary training environments for persons with disabilities. Proposals should focus on one or more of the following three research themes: (1) Studying barriers and solutions to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in STEM and STEM education workplaces and training settings for persons with disabilities; (2) Applying intersectional social identity perspectives to investigate characteristics and conditions of STEM and STEM education workplaces and training environments that limit and / or improve diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility for persons with disabilities; and (3) Conducting use-inspired and solution-oriented translational research about diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible STEM and STEM Education workplaces and training settings for persons with disabilities.
Award details: Research proposals may request a budget up to $1,50M and a project duration up to 5 years. All proposals should justify the requested level of funding and duration in the project description. The solicitation also invites Synthesis projects, which are a very specific type of Research proposal, and for which projects may request $600K over 3 years, as well as proposals for Conferences, Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER), Rapid Response Research (RAPID) and Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disability (FASED).
Announcement on website:   
Proposal due date: September 19, 2023 for Research and Synthesis Project Proposal Submissions
Full Proposal target date: September 19, 2023. Conference, EAGER, and RAPID Proposals are Accepted Before or After the Target Date.
NIH / National Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Program: Investigating Distinct and Overlapping Mechanisms in TDP-43 Proteinopathies, including in LATE, FTD & other ADRDs
NOFO #: PAR-23-212
Synopsis: Supports studies using various model systems, including animal models, animal/human cellular systems, organoids, postmortem tissue and other biospecimens, etc. to establish deeper mechanistic insights and causal cellular and molecular relationships between TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) pathology and clinical phenotypic outcomes. Additionally, this NOFO supports and requires comparisons between at least two TDP-43 proteinopathies, one of which must be an Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementia (ADRD), such as, but not limited to, Limbic-predominant Age-related TDP-43 Encephalopathy (LATE), with or without Alzheimer’s disease neuropathological change (AD-NC), or Frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 inclusions (FTLD-TDP), to further understand distinct and overlapping mechanisms in these syndromes. 
Award details: Maximum award is $500K for direct costs for a maximum project period of 5 years.
Announcement on website:  
Application due date: October 4, 2023.
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H)
Program: Novel Innovations for Tissue Regeneration in Osteoarthritis (NITRO)
Funding Opportunity #
: 75N99223R0003
Synopsis: Supports projects that aim to develop novel techniques for the regeneration and reconstruction of intra-articular (IA) cartilage and subchondral (SC) bone, the two key tissue types in a joint, in osteoarthritis (OA) patients. Broadly, the NITRO program is focused on 3 Technical Areas:
  -  TA1: Needle-Based and/or Non-Invasive Subchondral (SC) Bone Regeneration.
  -  TA2: Needle-Based and/or Non-Invasive Cartilage Regeneration Development of therapeutics (both IA and systemic) to fully regenerate cartilage in all synovial joints
  -  TA3: Allogeneic and Autogenous Non-Immunogenic, Load-Bearing, and Osteochondroinductive Total Replacement Joints.
The solicitation provides a full and detailed description of these three technical areas. A couple of more things: (1) ARPA-H is a new agency as was mentioned in the Weekly a few weeks ago. USC’s Center for Excellence in Research will be conducting a workshop this Thursday, May 25th on the agency, that we are re-posting.. Announcements of Interest section of the Weekly.  (2  There will be a Proposers’ Day for this funding opportunity on June 15th and which is required for potential proposers. Details including registration details are also included here.
Award details: Awards will be cooperative agreements or other transactions authority (OTA)
Announcement on website: NITRO
Abstract due date:  June 23, 2023
osal due date: July 28, 2023.

Announcement of Interest for Dornsife Investigtor

Office of Research and Innovation

Center for Excellence in Research
Upcoming Workshop
Introduction and Strategies for ARPA-H
The U.S. Department of Human and Health Services has created a new entity, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H). In this workshop we will learn the current status of the ARPA-H organization, present strategies to craft a winning proposal for the Broad Agency Announcement and be informed about other ARPA-H programs. A Q&A will follow the presentation with faculty member who have been successful in competitions with other ARPAs.
Date:   May 25, 2023                                      Time:  10:00 a.m.
Location: Virtual                               
Presenter: Jim Murday, Director Of Physical Sciences, Research Strategy and Development
Adam Russell, Director of AI Division, Information Sciences Institute; Former Acting Deputy Director of ARPA-H
Yolanda Gil, Research Professor of Computer Science and of Spatial Sciences; Director for Major Strategic AI and Data Science Initiatives; Director of Knowledge Technologies; Principal Scientist, USC Viterbi Information Sciences Institute
Sergey Nuzhdin, Professor of Biological Sciences, Dornsife Molecular & Computational Biology, USC Dornsife

Cover Image: Blue Skies (Liveright, May 16, 2023) T.C. Boyle (emeritus) English

University of Southern California Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences | Los Angeles, CA 90089 US
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