Dear Gaucho Grad Student:
Happy month of November. It's a month in which we give thanks, and we are truly thankful for all of you, our exceptional graduate students. We have great news on the career front (see the results of a comprehensive survey of UC Ph.D. alums below); workshops in the works (see the panel discussion on the academic job search below); and Graduate Student in the Spotlight features. ... The Graduate Division is pleased to announced we have hired a Communications Peer. Among other duties, Melissa Rapp, a second-year M.A./Ph.D. student in Musicology, will be helping us to develop a new GradPost website we hope to launch next year. Welcome, Melissa! ... Please keep in touch with us by subscribing to the GradPost newsfeed, following us on Twitter, and liking our GradPost Facebook page to stay informed. ... As always, our Graduate Student Resource Center staff members (Director of Graduate Student Professional Development Robert Hamm; Communications Director Patricia Marroquin; Funding Peer Kyle Crocco; Professional Development Peer Shawn Warner-Garcia; Writing Peer Ryan Dippre); and Communications Peer Melissa Rapp) are here to help.
UCSB Ph.D. Alums Report Strong Career Success, Satisfaction with Education
A comprehensive, first-ever survey of Ph.D. alums from throughout the 10-campus UC system shows that UC and UCSB Ph.D. recipients are reporting successful careers and strong satisfaction with the graduate school education that led to that success. The unemployment rate among the responding Ph.D. alums is extremely low, with 99 percent of the alums employed at the time of the survey. A total of 7,200 alums responded UC-wide, and 771 of the respondents are alums from UCSB. Read more of the UC Alumni Survey findings.
People in the News
From left, Charles Munger; Priscilla Pereschica; and Eva Wheeler.
People in the News
Our People in the News this month include a generous donor, an Education Ph.D. student working in Judicial Affairs, and a former litigation attorney turned grad student. Read our profiles and news articles about these accomplished individuals.
  • Charles Munger: This Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, whose grandson is a UCSB alum, has donated $65 million for a facility to house visitors to UCSB's Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP). The donation is the largest single gift in UCSB's history.
  • Priscilla Pereschica: The fourth-year Ph.D. student in the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education also helps students navigate the judicial process as a staff member of UCSB's Office of Judicial Affairs. She is researching emerging Hispanic Serving Institutions.
  • Eva Wheeler: This former litigation attorney left her career to go back to grad school. She is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese who is following "a new plan for happily ever after."
Dissertation and Thesis Filing Workshops
Learn everything you need to know about filing your dissertation or thesis at one of two workshops the Graduate Division is holding this fall quarter. Rickie Smith, Director of Academic Services for the Graduate Division, will guide you through the process and answer your questions. You'll learn about the electronic filing option, formatting of your document, and more. The workshops are scheduled for Tuesday, November 4, 10:30 a.m. to noon, in the SRB Multipurpose Room; and Tuesday, December 2, 10:30 a.m. to noon in the SRB Multipurpose Room. To attend, sign up for the workshop on the GradPost
Academic Job Search: A Panel Discussion
Interested in a career in academia? As part of its Academic Job Search Series, the Graduate Division will host an informational panel session with UC Santa Barbara professors on Tuesday, November 4, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. The panelists will cover all aspects of the job search process, from interviews at national meetings to campus visits and job offers. Get the details and sign up now for this great session.  
Your Money Series by Kyle Crocco
Funding Peer Kyle Crocco's columns over the past month focus on such money topics as finding the right bank; comparing streaming video services; and the best and worst deals at Trader Joe's. Read these columns for great tips and advice from our funding peer.
Career, Tips, Resources, Funding, and Life
We have reopened the Dissertation Writer's Room for the fall quarter. And you don't have to be writing a dissertation to make use of it. If you'd just like a quiet workspace for your studies, come to the room in the SRB. We've got free coffee, tea, water, snacks, and wireless. Get more details on days and times, including a special Thursday night writing session, in our GradPost article. ... The Graduate Division is accepting applications for its Diversity and Outreach Peer Advisor. Get the details and apply before the November 14 deadline. ... Learn about scholarships and grants with a December 1 deadline; and those with December 2-31 deadlines. ... Find out how you can apply for Postdoctoral Fellowships for Basic Scientists and Neurologists through the Parkinson's Disease Foundation. Deadline is December 1. ... The Coastal Fund is offering major and minor grants to fund environmental projects or campaigns for the UCSB campus. Deadline is Nov. 14. ... Take an Isla Vista Walking Tour on Nov. 8. ... Discover some old and new online teaching resources. ... Find out how the "Pathways to Healing" program can help students cope in the aftermath of the Isla Vista tragedy. ... For more funding opportunities, tips, resources, and events, visit our Life, Tools, Funds, Events, and Career pages.

Gaucho Grad Student Web Essentials

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The Graduate Division website:
The Graduate Division telephone: 805-893-2277
Graduate Students Association:
Newsletter compiled and written by Patricia Marroquin,
Graduate Division Communications Director

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