November News
November News

November 30th, 2020

Career Navigator News is a biweekly newsletter from your Career Navigator, Jami Schwickerath.

Planning for Distance Learning

I have been busy reaching out to businesses in the construction industry to get videos of the workers doing jobs. December we will be highlighting the construction trade in FutureForward for kids to see the various careers. The beauty of these videos is that they can be accessed anywhere, anytime. Students can log in when convenient for them.
See below for more information!

Stewartville Online Learning

In preparing for distance learning, Stewartville was able to work with their Perkins Coordinator, Kay Frick, and find a suitable online curriculum to support the Woods class. Through a partnership with the Carpenter's Union, Nick Wille, was able to help the school with visual lessons that can be offered virtually for students to continue their studies in the Woods courses.
For other courses, they are planning to partner with SSC to use the FutureForward™ portal.


Another grant has been submitted for Triton to update and replace ovens in the Food and Consumer Science room. With this grant, we were able to secure partnerships with Pasquale's Neighborhood Pizzeria and Terza Ristorante. Both chefs are willing to help teach curriculum and share expertise on cooking. We look forward to what these students will be making!


A colleague of mine, Nick Wobig, has been going out to job sites to record Construction companies working to highlight during Construction Month. The communities of Kasson and Mantorville as well as the businesses have been more than receptive to allowing us in to record footage. We are excited to be able to show the students the varying jobs in construction in their local communities. 
Byron is another community to have key players in the construction industry for us. Byron has blossomed the last ten years with the new homes. Elias Construction, LLC opened their doors and allowed us in to record some of their workers creating amazing new homes in the communities. A chamber Lunch & Learn meeting helped to build this relationship. Mickey and crew were great to work with! 

Construction Month

Industrial Tech Teachers have been contacted in regards to signing on to FutureForward™ for Construction Month December 7th through 18th. 
Benefits of using the tool: 
Specialized informational interviews of industries (construction, electricians, plumbers, painters, cabinet builders).
Can use these connections of the professionals to set up Zoom interviews or live Question and Answer sessions which I can coordinate/set up.
It’s online so kids can use it anywhere!
Things I need:

For students to access the videos, I need their first and last name and their graduation year.

I will create logins and passwords for them which I will then email to the teacher of the course to share out. 


Your Career Navigator: 
             Jami Schwickerath
                       Cell: 507-273-8365
Please know that if you opt out of these communications,
you will no longer receive any emails form SSC.

Girls in Engineering:

We recently had an interview with Jill Mickelson from Braun Intertec. She is a strong proponent of getting girls in schools interested in engineering as a career. 
There is potential for a “Lunch & Learn” format for students to have live Zoom meetings with professionals. She is open to the idea of talking with high schoolers, particularly females, about engineering, her experiences, and provide any support they may need while making their career choices. 
Let me know if you are interested in a conversation!

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