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June 3, 2016
Acts 21:4
We sought out the disciples there and stayed with them seven days. Through the Spirit they urged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem.
New International Version (NIV)
               “Hi-yo Silver!  Away!”  Remember the Lone Ranger?  Most of us who grew up in the sixties became acquainted with the Lone Ranger and his good Native American friend Tonto.  One comedian observed that Tonto was mistreated every time he went to town.  At some point, you would have thought that the Lone Ranger would have said, “Don’t go to town Tonto.”
                As Paul made his journey to Jerusalem everybody tried to warn him not to go.  Agabus bound himself with a belt to show Paul that he would be bound if he went up to the Holy City. In Tyre, as well, the believers prophesied through the Holy Spirit that Paul should not go on to Jerusalem.  What did Paul think?  He believed that the Spirit had told him to go to Jerusalem and that he would suffer there.
                So how do we make decisions about whether to go on a mission trip?  I have a friend who is headed for Brazil this summer to minister during the Olympics, though some have mentioned potential health risks in South America.  We are preparing to go to a part of the world which may not be the safest for Americans.  How do we decide?  The call of the gospel takes us to places where we will face opposition and challenges.  We have to surrender the idea that if we are in God’s will, we will not face difficulty.  A mentor and friend Paul Powell once said, “Paul found himself in a storm when he chose to do God’s will.”  Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble.  Do not be afraid.  I have overcome the world.”
Pray with me:
Father, we thank you that you have already preceded us everywhere we go.  We cannot escape your Presence or evade your Spirit.  Thank you for holding us safely in the palm of your hand, even as the storm rages around us.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.    
Scripture reading for today: 
Acts 21

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