Look at who is our new Fit4Mom Mom of the Month....
Look at who is our new Fit4Mom Mom of the Month....
Our Mom of the Month program honors one of our Stroller Strides moms for her efforts to live a healthy lifestyle and for her dedication to the program.  This month we honor Christie Lay, aka Cate's Mama!
Christie is dedicated, passionate, super friendly and oh so competitive. ; )
She brings laughter to each class she attends and we love her sense of humor.   She can make you smile in a heartbeat and make you feel welcome to the group all at the same time.  We LOVE that about her!!  She attends Stroller Strides classes 4-5 days a week and she comes to class ready to work, ready to sweat, and ready to give her best.  She pushes herself in every class and she is a powerful, healthy role model to her daughter Cate and family.  Cate is a sweet, loving, and energetic baby girl.  She definitely cheers her Mom on in each class!  

We love having Christie and Cate in Stroller Strides class and part of our Fit4Mom Family!!

Here are a few questions we asked her to get to know her better.  

Members of your Family -  3, my husband Shawn and Cate

Hometown - Coppell, Texas

Previous/Current Career - Medical Sales (sold prosthetic hands)

When did you start Stroller Strides?  When Cate was 8 weeks old, so almost a year

What do you enjoy most about Stroller Strides?  The camaraderie of all the moms is awesome.  It is truly a real support group of moms helping moms.  I look forward every morning to see the friends I have made, friends that will be friends for a lifetime.

What is your favorite exercise?  Lunges

What are your fitness goals?  To be a healthy and active role model for Cate and to always fit in a smaller pant size :) 

What is your favorite Mom's Club (Our Village) activity?  Splash Park or Crafts

What has been your proudest mommy moment so far?  
Watching Cate learn how to walk.  It is such a joy to watch someone you love learn something new

What are your 3 favorite things?  Friendship, College football and Date nights

We are SO proud of you Christie!  We honor your dedication, hard work, and love of this program.   We are so grateful to have you in our Fit4Mom Family!!!

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