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Take our survey if you're interested in more storage or help reducing use
Google Workspace storage reduction deadline extended; new agreement provides 25GB for students, 150GB for faculty/staff
April 28, 2022
You've received this email because you’re a University of Utah Google Workspace user.
The original April 29, 2022 deadline for reducing University of Utah Google Workspace storage has been extended. With the deadline extension in place, users will not lose data or files for the time being. A new deadline will be announced at a later date.
Google will defer enforcement of U of U storage limits for a few months to give users time to work with UIT regarding their storage needs. In addition, the university has negotiated a three-year agreement with Google that provides 25 gigabytes (GB) for student accounts and 150GB for faculty and staff accounts.
The new Google agreement also allows UIT to provide users, departments, colleges, and other units with additional Google Workspace storage for $200/terabyte (TB) per year. Please respond to this brief survey to indicate you’d like to discuss paying for additional storage. UIT will contact respondents to procure, assign, and arrange payments for additional storage.
If you are having difficulty reducing your U Google storage use or need assistance with storage options, please respond to the survey. UIT will contact you regarding potential alternative storage solutions.
Those with research computing needs should contact UIT’s Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC) at helpdesk@chpc.utah.edu or by opening a ticket in ServiceNow (login required). Please note that the intended use of Google Workspace is to store university-related collaboration files, not large-scale research data, long-term storage, or system backups.
Thank you for your patience during this transition.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your respective IT Help Desk: UIT Campus Help Desk (801-581-4000, option 1; helpdesk@utah.edu) or ITS Service Desk (801-587-6000; ServiceDesk@hsc.utah.edu).
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