Is College Worth the Cost? Fab Fabrics for Ticks, Winning Bias Essay
Is College Worth the Cost? Fab Fabrics for Ticks, Winning Bias Essay
Professor weighs benefits, costs of college; researchers rate tick-collecting fabrics; student receives scholarship for bias essay; and more
portrait of Jayden Thomas

COVID-19 Testing: “Change the Course of This Virus”

Student-athlete Jayden Thomas and others at IUP talk about getting tested for COVID-19 and what a difference it can make in the safety of the campus and community.
Emily Welch M’19, Anna Manges ’20, and Nathan Peters ’19 and professors Joe Duchamp and Tom Simmons published a Consumer Reports-style study on the best fabric for collecting blacklegged ticks. Researchers drag the fabric on the ground to gather ticks.
Respiratory care student Kendra Peachy will receive the 2020–21 IUP at Northpointe Essay Scholarship for her entry, “The Significance in Understanding Implicit Bias.”
At the annual meeting of the Allied Social Sciences Association, held virtually in January, Economics professor Yaya Sissoko presented a paper he coauthored, “Is Your Education Worth it? A Benefit-Cost Analysis,” at the Committee on Economic Education Poster Session. He also attended the American Economic Association’s virtual continuing education program on labor economics and applied econometrics in January and, in December, completed an IUP course for faculty members on engaging students online.
Piano professor Henry Wong Doe gave an online presentation, “Timing, Phrasing, Balance, and Pedalling: Refining Your Approach to the Piano,” for about 40 students of society members who are private teachers in the Greater Pittsburgh area. 
Stephanie Jozefowicz and James Jozefowicz participated in a Zoom meeting of the IUP Leadership Society Advancement Council in February to discuss the successful conclusion of the Imagine Unlimited comprehensive campaign.
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