Discover opportunities for your company to make a BIG impression!
Join the Corporate Partners Program! |
Corporate Partners receive priority access to the Choose Ohio First Career Expo, CEC Employer Showcase, Evening with Industry, and other prestigious events hosted by the college, as well as exclusive opportunities to engage with the college's faculty and students.
Partner with Creative and Resourceful Students on Senior Design Projects!
We are currently seeking industry partners for upcoming Senior Design Projects.
Collaborate with engineering and computing students and faculty to solve problems creatively. Discover the advantages of partnering with CEC on a Senior Design Project.
Click "Get more details" for further information and to propose a project idea.
Fall Semester Opportunities
Want to build your talent pipeline and engage with engineering and computing students?
Then, check out these opportunities.
Use the Fall Semester Events Interest Form button below to learn more about the upcoming Fall Semester events shown above plus a few others. You will receive more information via email for the events and activities that you express an interest in on the form.
Industry Relations Office
I’m thrilled to step into the role of Assistant Dean for External Relations and Communications at CEC. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working on building CEC’s Industry Relations Office and will miss the direct connections we've made. However, I’ll continue to be involved in Industry Relations events and will remain the lead until we have a new Director in place.
We’ll be posting openings soon for both the Director of Industry Relations and the Director of K-12 Outreach. Please keep an eye out if you or someone you know might be interested.
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